Farm chatter

I had problems with the EE cockerel I moved into the mixed flock coop yesterday. He kept flying out, so I clipped one wing, hoping that will make it harder for him.
He got out again. So I clipped his other wing, thinking this would fix the issue. Nope he got out again. I think he climbed the fence this time.

For his safety, I had to tether him next to the food, & water. I didn't want him getting eaten by predators while we were gone, so he gave me no choice.
40 days to go!
Those look DELICIOUS, did you grow them?
They do! I didn't grow these ones but soon I'll start growing my own
I'm very intimidated by them
they look like they're going to ask me a riddle for some nefarious reason
Lol these look like they'd be at some fancy party and call me a peasant ๐Ÿคฃ
Run construction begins today! Leveling out the area and digging for a pond.

The girls remain unimpressed

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