Farm chatter

I edited the post to add more pics!

I got them as tiny baby peachicks this year! peas have a breeding season unlike chickens
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My Red JungleFowl hybrids seem to breed at specific times of the year. Sumatras are also supposed to be seasonal breeders.
we used to have more colors including a pure white one
but theyve disappeared

How do you tell the gender? Apart from the whole tail thing.
neck feather pattern and wing barring

nice pretty scallops / white edges on feathers / absence of white feather shaft is female
vs male

barring vs no barring
left is male right is female

I'm not sure how much of that is universal and how much is just India blues

I swear they gravitate to the most irritating places to do it. Had to clean multiple off the toilet seat, counter & windowsill.

Lord Ickenham likes to try to fly onto the shower door handle, which obviously doesn't end very well. And he has a few other annoying habits like crowing very loud inside the house and looking for coconut oil to eat.
:lau :love
I love him.
Now I want some.....

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