Farm chatter

I’m getting some from several different people, and for roughly 75 eggs of different breeds altogether, it comes to maybe slightly over $100.
75 eggs?! I think you could downsize that number a bit, to help with money. Plus, I know theres a very very very low chance of it happening, but what will you do if 75 hatch?
Are you saying you didn’t eat yours?! *crosses arms and taps foot impatiently*
well, too much sugar isnt great
Over on Come Ramble With Me we aren’t party poopers like BC here. All-nighters welcome!
what? 🤨
That’s big brain.
Kellogg's All-Bran Complete Wheat Flakes cereal

How can you creat a mix of a donkey and a horse with a duck? *insert spinning woot smiley here*
muscovy x duck i think
Also, Corbs I know you really want ducks but you if you don't have all the money to build their coop and run you should probably wait till you do have enough. It'd be better to wait a bit longer than to end up having all of them killed.
@Corbdee, did you budget for if they get sick and deworming and such?
Ok wow. I’ve kept ducks before guys. Y’all are stressing me out though :lau
I'm just trying to help! I honestly don't think you should get 75 eggs. Just get enough for yourself, and a few extra so that you'll get a good hatch rate. Then later on you can hatch ducklings and sell them, to pay for feed or whatever.

What breeds, and how many of each did you want? I found a few other hatcheries I can check prices on for you.

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