Farm chatter

Finn is doing great!!! We've been insane about socializing, and everything is going well so I"m glad about that. He's also been good with training (he can sit, lie down, and come) and also was great today when we cleaned his ears. Today in the ride home from Home Depot, a car cut in front of us so my mom had to slam the brakes and horn simultaneously, and he rolled off the seat!! He is ok (and so are we) (but PISSED at that driver) (it was right near a bridge, too, there could have been a HUGE accident because he SPED through a stop sign) and did not get his head. He was also limp, because he was sleeping, which I think helped because he didn't brace himself at all. It is time to get him a car harness!!
Chickens are angry that they aren't going out as much, and to protest, they only laid three eggs today. Also, the waterer that we got like a month ago is leaky, so that's not good
All three crabs are molting, so are buried
cat is good but grumpy
he tried to eat my cake earlier bc he's rude
he also bumped into me while I was baking and got powdered sugar on him
make sure you socialize him with little kids if you can. I socialized my dog a lot but never around kids so he is super weird about them which makes me crazy nervous which he can sense which makes him even weirder lmbo

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