Farm Fresh Difficult to Peel

Yea I got that but you said 194 degrees. That is what threw me off. I bet you have a fancy stove. :D
Nope, mine is a 20 plus year old hot point, I can't remember having another stove lol.
Sorry about that, I was trying to do math and thought better of it. I didn't realize I still had it there.
'if it takes 20 minutes for eggs to cook at 194, that means it takes maybe 26-28 at 160.
The wife lowers eggs into boiling water with a ladle or similar utensil , allows them to boil about 2 minutes , kills the heat and allows to cool to room temperature . She says she has other things to do while they cool .
Depends. Last time i did it they were medium/soft boiled.

Depends. Last time i did it they were medium/soft boiled.
I need my fresh eggs hard boiled because i eat my eggs mostly pickled except when wife makes me a egg omelet , with bell pepper , onion , salsa and diced ham . That's why i use my consistently proven fresh egg method of boiling water , place cold eggs in , boil 2 minutes and set aside until room temperature .
Like a previous reply , i use a spoon ( special shape of hammered copper ) to dip out of shell in halves if wife is making potato salad . For deviled eggs wife wants neatly peeled egg halves perfect .
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