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I shot pictures for a few hours yesterday so I could have a little more depth in the subject matter I could post, but like a lot of times, I wasn't paying any attention to what was in the view finder......after quite a few hours like I mentioned, I realized it was saying no card on the screen on every Man, there was going to be some fame and fortune and wealth and raise to stardom pics in there, but I messed up....haha....just good ones would of been taken.

I did go get a card for saying goodnight to these more piglet pics. I've trained them to go drink off of momma and then get back to this hot box when done.

scratching them all before I leave.

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Great photos, Fancychooklady! Those shoe ones are something! Very clear beautiful photos of some good looking healthy horses!
3 sorry to hear Pitchy lost his girlfriend- bet he is suffering from post traumatic pitchfork syndrome. Maybe counseling will help him.

Yeah, thanks! I'm sure he appreciates you thinking of him! I think you're right. I've tried counseling. I'm up in the 7 digit area now on money spent trying to help him find his way again. Nobody can help. Wait a minute, Rakealena just broke up with Scoopshovelrick out there, maybe I could try hooking her and Pitchy up????....
drumstick diva - also....I keep meaning to ask ya...judging by your new avatar photo, have you totally took the carbs out of your diet? You're shorter than I imagined too. I imagine the windy city is hard on skin.
Actually 3 I tried the prune diet and that's what happened. I don't know much about pitchforks except that I tried lifting a boulder with one and it got one tine pushed way out of whack. Is it proper to breed one species (pitchfork) to another (rake). I worry that you may encounter a lethal gene and that would upset Pitchy even more. But then you are a farmer and I am not.
@3acres has baby piggies to play with! Remember to do your chores first, before playing with the piggies.
Wow, 100 piggies is a lot to play with! How are your goats doing?
.....Pitchy would LOVE some friends and be able to party with some east Pitchy has been depressed lately...ever since last summer when his girlfriend came off the small square baler where I had it tied and went into the baler....
...I managed to get the baler shut down before she was made into a bale, but not before she was split in two...she passed later that night...
....true story!...

I was able to thaw and put on a concert in celebration this morning....

"I ain't got a dime,
but what I got is some swine
I ain't rich,
but Lord IIIIIIII'mmmmm....a terrible singer".....

I've enjoyed your photos you've posted, but can't let one thing go.....the "barn" in barn kitty that is mentioned. Not sure "barn" comes to mind when I see your spoiled pampered cats...
. ...just jokin!...

Stay warm out there! Keep all those critters happy! I don't mind the cold. I like experiencing all the seasons. It is actually going to be pretty nice here during the day time anyway this next few days.
Don't worry about Pitchy! Send him over here, we have plenty of friends waiting! lol Miss Kitty, specifically, would be good company for Pitchy. And yes, we really have a pitchfork named Miss Kitty.
It has Hello Kitty tape wrapped around it. One of our forks has some sort of frog tape on it....and there's one with tape that says "I love Bacon". Yup....we're a colorful bunch here.

I like your Pig Concert! Pigs seem to be enjoying every bit of it. And sorry to hear about Pitchy's girlfriend. That's sad.
Miss Kitty will help!! LOL

What it comes to our actual barn cat, CD. She's the most spoiled barn cat I ever saw...and I've seen a ton of barn cats. And my "barn cats", the ones that live in the house but pretend to be barn cats anyway...they're definitely spoiled. They'll never admit to it, though. They think they have it so rough.

Ugh...the sheets reminded me of how I need to find a light one for my stallion this summer so he doesn't get bleached in the sun if I plan on showing him. lol
What kind of a horse is the chestnut? I like her(?).


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