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Don't worry about Pitchy! Send him over here, we have plenty of friends waiting! lol Miss Kitty, specifically, would be good company for Pitchy. And yes, we really have a pitchfork named Miss Kitty. :lau It has Hello Kitty tape wrapped around it. One of our forks has some sort of frog tape on it....and there's one with tape that says "I love Bacon". Yup....we're a colorful bunch here. :lol:

I like your Pig Concert! Pigs seem to be enjoying every bit of it. And sorry to hear about Pitchy's girlfriend. That's sad. :( Miss Kitty will help!! LOL

What it comes to our actual barn cat, CD. She's the most spoiled barn cat I ever saw...and I've seen a ton of barn cats. And my "barn cats", the ones that live in the house but pretend to be barn cats anyway...they're definitely spoiled. They'll never admit to it, though. They think they have it so rough.

Ugh...the sheets reminded me of how I need to find a light one for my stallion this summer so he doesn't get bleached in the sun if I plan on showing him. lol
What kind of a horse is the chestnut? I like her(?). :D


They are all thoroughbreds. We save them from going to the knackery, restart them , get them showjumping and sell them on to good homes. The chestnut is a gelding , his name is Jack. Here he is in action at our country show.
They are all thoroughbreds. We save them from going to the knackery, restart them , get them showjumping and sell them on to good homes. The chestnut is a gelding , his name is Jack. Here he is in action at our country show.
That's one good looking horse. Seems to be quite talented as well.
My Thai pair that I posted pictures of a lot in the past have matured a lot and have several grown 'kids'! They've whitened a lot, and are less colorful, but I think they're still gorgeous birds.
The top two pics are the original pair, the next three are a few of their offspring. They have thrown a few single combs, so they both must carry it, and have produced a wide range of colors, including 3 of those strange buff/white ones.

This chick is a product of the thai rooster over a golden laced wyandotte hen. He looks to have lacing tipped with white spangles and his father's height. I'm interested to see how he feathers out as an adult. In the second pic he was checking out the turkey's beard. This turkey was raised by silkies (as is this chick) and thinks he is one, he will only strut to the silkies (just out of the picture) and he does not show any aggression towards them.

I love these two pics. First one's caption could read "My face when people ask me how my diet's going...."

Half silkie/half OEGB hen. She lives with the silkies and helps raise most of the chicks. She survived a hawk attack a few weeks back with only a small cut. Our Anatolian managed to be right near her and scared the hawk away as soon as it landed on her.
What truly beautiful birds you have. Thank goodness for your Anatolian. I love your cattle - we have so much in common - too short for our girth.
@3acres has baby piggies to play with! Remember to do your chores first, before playing with the piggies.
Wow, 100 piggies is a lot to play with! How are your goats doing?

lol...yeah, that is something I need to improve on!...
. ...before I know it it's 2am in the morning and I'm still tending to everyone!...

Goats are doing great! I'm slowly building the goat herd. I have 5 females that will have their babies this late winter/spring and then I have 3 young females that I will probably breed for fall babies. I'm excited for babies to get here. I'm especially excited to see what my new buck will throw...he has some wild colors in his times!
from this morning...

I got my first ever sawbuck pack saddle. I ordered it and it came yesterday. I've wanted one for quite some time now! I'm excited! I got a set of hard plastic panniers for packing all kinds of things and a set of metal hauls-all panniers for packing salt to cows and stuff. More on my packing adventures to come! I'm for hire also, if anybody needs me to haul extra groceries home or the like for them....
Actually 3 I tried the prune diet and that's what happened. I don't know much about pitchforks except that I tried lifting a boulder with one and it got one tine pushed way out of whack. Is it proper to breed one species (pitchfork) to another (rake). I worry that you may encounter a lethal gene and that would upset Pitchy even more. But then you are a farmer and I am not.

Well I guess we will be finding out....
....that's all I'm going to say...
. Pitchy started listening to that darn rap music the last few days though and has headed out east, disregarding all responsibilities here. Not worried about last summer, but I thought I raised him better. Gotta whole new situation now. "No you're not ugly, you are a beautiful rake! You remember that! It's not you, it's him. No you are not getting fat."...
Don't worry about Pitchy! Send him over here, we have plenty of friends waiting! lol Miss Kitty, specifically, would be good company for Pitchy. And yes, we really have a pitchfork named Miss Kitty.
It has Hello Kitty tape wrapped around it. One of our forks has some sort of frog tape on it....and there's one with tape that says "I love Bacon". Yup....we're a colorful bunch here.

I like your Pig Concert! Pigs seem to be enjoying every bit of it. And sorry to hear about Pitchy's girlfriend. That's sad.
Miss Kitty will help!! LOL

What it comes to our actual barn cat, CD. She's the most spoiled barn cat I ever saw...and I've seen a ton of barn cats. And my "barn cats", the ones that live in the house but pretend to be barn cats anyway...they're definitely spoiled. They'll never admit to it, though. They think they have it so rough.
Pitchy is on his way!...
. Miss Kitty sounded pretty interesting to Pitchy, so he I won't get into what all he left going on that just recently came about. We'll be fine hear, I'm use to running on one leg....just get him straightened out...
. That's funny about all those kinds of tape! If it wasn't for feed, there would be no pigs to hear the concert...just me and the faint sound of dogs howling in pain miles away...
. Cats are funny! You have some good looking barn cats! Cat numbers are a little high out there at the moment....high enough that I don't even know how many there

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