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Thanks, Sanna!....

Thanks, holm25!...
No problem! lol

Looking at all the snow pictures just makes me want to cry.
We got about 30 inches here recently in one day. Then 3 days later, another 6-8 inches. And now they're promising another 5 or so for the end of the week. WHERE DO WE PUT ALL OF IT????

I took these with my cell phone. Here's my little Chevy Aveo in the middle of the storm. That was fun (NOT!) digging the car out of there after the storm was finally over. At least the plow guys didn't make a mountain of snow behind my car this year.

And this was probably 2 days later. That's our big barn with probably 12 inches of snow on top. The clear area of the roof...all that snow came down at the same time. Sounded like the whole barn was going to collapse.
Wasn't so funny at the time though. lol

How's everyone else doing with snow??

3acres - How do you do that - the cows are out in the snowstorm, but you keep the sunshine and grass for your pigs?
I'd like to know that too so i can keep the sunshine for myself and send the snowstorms to mean people.
We've had so much snow here, it's disgusting.
3acres - How do you do that - the cows are out in the snowstorm, but you keep the sunshine and grass for your pigs?

lol...well, it's kind of a long story involving south florida air, shipping containers, time release technology and that kind of mumbo jumbo. may put ya to sleep because of boredom....

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