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No problem! lol

Looking at all the snow pictures just makes me want to cry.
We got about 30 inches here recently in one day. Then 3 days later, another 6-8 inches. And now they're promising another 5 or so for the end of the week. WHERE DO WE PUT ALL OF IT????

I took these with my cell phone. Here's my little Chevy Aveo in the middle of the storm. That was fun (NOT!) digging the car out of there after the storm was finally over. At least the plow guys didn't make a mountain of snow behind my car this year.

And this was probably 2 days later. That's our big barn with probably 12 inches of snow on top. The clear area of the roof...all that snow came down at the same time. Sounded like the whole barn was going to collapse.
Wasn't so funny at the time though. lol

How's everyone else doing with snow??

I'd like to know that too so i can keep the sunshine for myself and send the snowstorms to mean people.
We've had so much snow here, it's disgusting.

Holy smokes, Sanna! I've heard you have been getting dumped on out there. I was thinking about how you have to take care of all those animals in it! It's been a pretty oddly warm winter here with spells of almost t-shirt fact, I have wore a t-shirt some. I had some snow on the roof of my barn though come down like that and about took out a boar pig...scared the living heck out of It seems it cools back down during the hours of a pig giving birth though. I just had one have a hard labor. I checked on her every 2 hours for a couple of days...she had them yesterday morning. Send the snow to mean's funny! Maybe that is what is happening...
...just jokin!...
. Stay warm! You might have to spend some of your moldy money just laying around on a snow mobile!...

I've been spending lots and lots of time in the barn with my mommas and this is what I 3 mommas with babies now and another to have them soon.

3 when I googled mastermind to see what it meant it had a photo of you(from the back) looking over your horse's ears

I noticed from your post that pigs take in food from the front and simultaneously toot out the back - are they losing any nutrients doing that?
Holy smokes, Sanna! I've heard you have been getting dumped on out there. I was thinking about how you have to take care of all those animals in it! It's been a pretty oddly warm winter here with spells of almost t-shirt fact, I have wore a t-shirt some. I had some snow on the roof of my barn though come down like that and about took out a boar pig...scared the living heck out of It seems it cools back down during the hours of a pig giving birth though. I just had one have a hard labor. I checked on her every 2 hours for a couple of days...she had them yesterday morning. Send the snow to mean's funny! Maybe that is what is happening...
...just jokin!...
. Stay warm! You might have to spend some of your moldy money just laying around on a snow mobile!...

I've been spending lots and lots of time in the barn with my mommas and this is what I 3 mommas with babies now and another to have them soon.

Getting dumped on is right! lol We're getting MORE snow tomorrow. At least they "downgraded" that storm from 5-8 inches to 1-3 inches.
This is ridiculous. I'll have to take a picture of our big barn. There's so much snow that's been coming off the roof after each storm that we can barely see the barn.

Love those little piglets! Very cute little things.

We no longer are getting snow in ID. We are getting sunshine and 40-50 degree weather.
That's not fair!!! lol
3 when I googled mastermind to see what it meant it had a photo of you(from the back) looking over your horse's ears

I noticed from your post that pigs take in food from the front and simultaneously toot out the back - are they losing any nutrients doing that?

Are you sure you weren't off a few pages looking at simpleminded...

I'm not sure on that???...but I do know that I feel like I'm on the set of a remake of the campfire scene for the movie Blazing Saddles...

Your new avi makes me want to drive to town and eat large quantities of ice cream every time I see it!...
Getting dumped on is right! lol We're getting MORE snow tomorrow. At least they "downgraded" that storm from 5-8 inches to 1-3 inches.
This is ridiculous. I'll have to take a picture of our big barn. There's so much snow that's been coming off the roof after each storm that we can barely see the barn.

Love those little piglets! Very cute little things.
Yikes! Yeah, take pics! I wasn't ready for winter this year and have lucked out! I get so far behind. I should just start getting ready for next winter right now and skip all the spring. summer and fall stuff....

Thanks! I go from pen to pen now and tame down and play with them's tons of fun! The bigger ones now are a lot of fun to wrestle. 3 of them trust me enough now to grab them and use them as a pillow while scratching them...

Stay warm! It'll be spring soon!
Took these pics a couple nights ago in the barnyard while the sun was setting behind the hay barn. It is really cold here and still a lot of snow.

Side of the goat barn is covered in icicles, with the hay barn in previous pic in the back.

Couldn't resist uploading this pic as well, one of my goats "Frosting" in her jacket enjoying some hay!
Hay looks just like the shredded wheat I had to eat as a kid. I needed the box tops to enter a contest. I think all that wheat stuff gave me sour crop or something. I've never eaten it since.

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