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Birdrain that calf is so cute. My show cow is going in with the bull on saturday so hopefuly in 9-10 months I will have calf pics for u guys! Granite looks like a good cow and very patient about people around her baby. My grandpas cows r good with people. Some will try attack but most just stand there and do a little moo and smell the baby.

This is my show heifer Tear drop. She is a little dirty but this is before her bath.

Birdrain that calf is so cute. My show cow is going in with the bull on saturday so hopefuly in 9-10 months I will have calf pics for u guys! Granite looks like a good cow and very patient about people around her baby. My grandpas cows r good with people. Some will try attack but most just stand there and do a little moo and smell the baby.

This is my show heifer Tear drop. She is a little dirty but this is before her bath.

I've had Granite since she was 10 months old and had her ready for show. There was only one problem. She had a surprise heifer calf. I still have the surprise heifer calf and I named her Surprise. Surprise is like a bottle fed calf around humans. Granite became a great mother and didn't like being separated from her calf and would let nothing stop her. That's why I decided I should not show Granite while she has a calf and just let her be a normal cow.
This is Surprise. Hopefully she is pregnant. If she is she should calf near December.
Ranger is a real sweetheart especially sitting on top of his puppy's head.
Thanks, he/she is a cutie. Nowadays he has friends that hatched 8 days later. Ranger doesn't really care for me, or the little dog, as much anymore. lol

Can you send it to me??
And the one hiding in the tube can come too! lol

oh! and I know she isnt part of our farm anymore but our foster greyhound who moved on to adoption! :)

Beautiful dog!
I've had Granite since she was 10 months old and had her ready for show. There was only one problem. She had a surprise heifer calf. I still have the surprise heifer calf and I named her Surprise. Surprise is like a bottle fed calf around humans. Granite became a great mother and didn't like being separated from her calf and would let nothing stop her. That's why I decided I should not show Granite while she has a calf and just let her be a normal cow.
This is Surprise. Hopefully she is pregnant. If she is she should calf near December.

Surprise is a cutie!! Have you thought of showing her?? I hope she is bred and has a Christmas baby!! Isn't it nice having cows u can trust?? We only have one cow we cant trust around little kids. But she is a goofy Brown Swiss JerseyX and still pretty young. But my 6 year old brother goes out in the pasture and plays and pets the cows. And my 8 year old sister and her friends take turn walking Tear drop and petting the others.
Baby Zoomer is here!! Finally. This was him 6/9/2015, maybe 3 hours old. About 5:30am. We all missed the birth. The president (Bonnie) of the farm had the baby monitor in her house, she stared at the darn thing all night, every night... Well, last week of course, Bonnie fell asleep for a bit, woke up and there was Zoomer. Luckily everything went well. Baby came out with no obvious issues, mare looked very good. Vet came the same day to check on both, baby and mom. Everything was good! And this is a week later now. Zoomer is a pest.
But he's really cute, so I guess he's going to get away with his bad baby behavior for now. lol And he's only a week old, there's hope for him yet.

And this is Zoomer just 1 day old with tired mom.

This is Wolf, a rescue Jacob sheep male that just moved in. First thing he did, when he arrived, he leaped out of the van he was transported in and ran all over the farm. Everyone had to stop what they were doing and go help try to corral the sheep. I was just leading my stallion out to his paddock when all this happened and Wolf ended up following my horse, so I just led my guy to Wolf's new living quarters and that was the end of that. Funny little guy, Wolf that is. He lives with our llamas and he's very happy now.

Then there's Crazy Horse, our new handsome peacock. He was donated to the farm by a very, very nice family who lost their peahen. This guy was very lonely, so the family felt the best thing to do was to find him friends. We already had 2 hens and 2 younger peacocks. Sad thing is that our 4 are all related, it's a group of Mom & 3 kids. We were very happy to take in a new male that is not related so we can continue breeding and avoid inbreeding. The two younger boys are getting a new home this week. They're going to a nice gentleman that has had experience with peafowl in the past, he has a hen that lost her mate and some eggs in the incubator. I would say the two young brothers will be very happy as well. Win/win for all!

I think that's it for now. I'll have plenty more Zoomer pictures to post if I ever have the time to look through the hundreds of shots I've taken since his birth. lol I have no spare time these days. Just work...
Surprise is a cutie!! Have you thought of showing her?? I hope she is bred and has a Christmas baby!! Isn't it nice having cows u can trust?? We only have one cow we cant trust around little kids. But she is a goofy Brown Swiss JerseyX and still pretty young. But my 6 year old brother goes out in the pasture and plays and pets the cows. And my 8 year old sister and her friends take turn walking Tear drop and petting the others.
I did think about showing her. I decided though I should just let her be a cow a friendly one though.
Baby Zoomer is here!! Finally. This was him 6/9/2015, maybe 3 hours old. About 5:30am. We all missed the birth. The president (Bonnie) of the farm had the baby monitor in her house, she stared at the darn thing all night, every night... Well, last week of course, Bonnie fell asleep for a bit, woke up and there was Zoomer. Luckily everything went well. Baby came out with no obvious issues, mare looked very good. Vet came the same day to check on both, baby and mom. Everything was good! And this is a week later now. Zoomer is a pest.
But he's really cute, so I guess he's going to get away with his bad baby behavior for now. lol And he's only a week old, there's hope for him yet.

And this is Zoomer just 1 day old with tired mom.

This is Wolf, a rescue Jacob sheep male that just moved in. First thing he did, when he arrived, he leaped out of the van he was transported in and ran all over the farm. Everyone had to stop what they were doing and go help try to corral the sheep. I was just leading my stallion out to his paddock when all this happened and Wolf ended up following my horse, so I just led my guy to Wolf's new living quarters and that was the end of that. Funny little guy, Wolf that is. He lives with our llamas and he's very happy now.

Then there's Crazy Horse, our new handsome peacock. He was donated to the farm by a very, very nice family who lost their peahen. This guy was very lonely, so the family felt the best thing to do was to find him friends. We already had 2 hens and 2 younger peacocks. Sad thing is that our 4 are all related, it's a group of Mom & 3 kids. We were very happy to take in a new male that is not related so we can continue breeding and avoid inbreeding. The two younger boys are getting a new home this week. They're going to a nice gentleman that has had experience with peafowl in the past, he has a hen that lost her mate and some eggs in the incubator. I would say the two young brothers will be very happy as well. Win/win for all!

I think that's it for now. I'll have plenty more Zoomer pictures to post if I ever have the time to look through the hundreds of shots I've taken since his birth. lol I have no spare time these days. Just work...
Congrats on Zoomer! Congrats also on the new Indian Blue Peacock.

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