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OOPS - my mistake, didn't read the caption. It kinda looked like me in the mirror. My apologies to the cow.
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Birdrain, when are they old enough to sex? So cute, in the third photo one in the back has a neck like giraffe - doesn't want to miss a thing.
Birdrain, when are they old enough to sex? So cute, in the third photo one in the back has a neck like giraffe - doesn't want to miss a thing.

You did realize that the names are the Velociraptors from Jurassic World.

Some people can tell from day one. I knew Echo was female when she hatched out having brown wing feathers.

I know Blue and Charlie, the bigger ones are both males. Biggest thing to assure me was this.
Young male peachicks will practice fanning.


I'm sure Echo is a peahen and Delta has me a little confused since it has the color of the wings are male but the back and its head are dark. I would say Delta is a male. In these photos Echo is 5 days old and Delta is 4 days old. Blue and Charlie are 2 weeks old. When peafowl reach around 2 months if I'm remembering correctly you can have a good idea on what sex they are. When sexing peachicks look at color not tone or tint in the wings. If it's a chocolate brown it's most likely a peahen. If the color is a orange like color it's most likely a male. Some peachicks can be red flags some are just bright color with the orange when they first hatch out and you know it's a male and some hatch out really dark with the brown color wings and you know it's a hen right off the bat. Some peachicks can be harder to tell if they almost all look identical. That's why the biggest thing is look at color not tone and tints because that's how you can make mistakes in sexing peachicks. Also it can depend on what peafowl color or species it is. Green peachicks both male and female look identical from what I've heard. I don't raise Green peafowl so I'm just going to take the advice. Spaldings depending on how much Green peafowl blood they have can make it harder to sex them. White peachicks when they're young some are obvious females will be dark yellow while the males with be white but sometimes they hit an in between area making it difficult. White peafowl when they grow feathers in you have to wait until the tail coverts are in when they are about 6 months or older. Or wait until one starts laying and one grows a train.
In this photo from left to right it is: Delta, Echo, Charlie, Blue. See how Echo's wing color is entirely different that of Charlie's? That's on of the ways to tell. Even Delta and Echo have different wing color making me think Delta is a male.
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