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How much does that goose weigh? He looks huge!
No, maybe I'm not very well-made picture, it is a egg breed of geese (they lay eggs more often than meat geese, but they are much lighter and smaller). How heavy this goose I do not know, but when I took the other geese for meat (I do it sometimes, it is true for meat are the other geese, no pets and those that are left for breeding), they weighed no more than 4-5 kg of the finished carcass (for example meat breed goose "Holmogor" can be 8-12 kg of weight). I have some interest to meat breeds of geese, but now i can`t buy it, they are too expensive now (if i will buy it i will buy 10-20 geese or more, it`s expensive).
We find all kinds of things here at the farm at times...such as this little baby bird, hiding between the coolers for our horses. lol Such a random find...and a random spot for a little bird.

Took some rose pictures at a rose garden. Didn't find one rose in there that wasn't at least half way on it's way out.. I guess I picked the wrong time of the year to go looking at roses. lol Also, it's been so dry here. Can't imagine that's good for any flower's well being..

What a cute little bird, wonder what kind it is. The roses are still beautiful Sanna. No new horse stories for us

It's a little House Sparrow. We have TONS of them in the barn, up in the rafters. lol They build nests up there every year.
I don't have too many horse stories to share at the moment. I had a weeks vacation so I didn't spend much time in the barn! That never, EVER happens! lol My boyfriend and I went and traveled a little bit. Drove to Massachusetts and went for a whale watch. Coolest thing ever!! lol Also visited Mystic Aquarium here in CT and today we went to the Bronx Zoo in New York. Somehow it turned out to be a very animal related vacation.

For horse's one of my little students with her favorite Mini ever, Tug. They were practicing how to show a horse in hand.


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