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Miss Petunia. Can't get a good picture of her to save my life.

This is Benjamin Buttons, our new baby goat. There's 4 of them now. All different breeds. Don't ask me what breeds...I know nothing about goats. lol They're here for people to visit and feed.
Anybody else have Golden Pheasants? We have three young ones that seem to be growing up nicely. Learning experience for me, I never knew anything about pheasants until the farm picked up these guys as little babies. lol They're very beautiful. There's also an adult female in the first two pictures. She was a rescue. Dropped off here by a nice couple that find the bird, literally, sitting on the side of a large highway. No idea where she came from, but obviously she belonged to someone at some point because she came with her blinkers on. I would imagine she was pretty exhausted and terrified to be sitting on the side of the highway like that.
She's scared of people, hides in any little shrubbery she can get into in their pen. I'm wondering if she came from a hunting club that's not terribly far away from us...would make sense. Well, she's here to stay now. No one has claimed her. I'm hoping she'll start to relax and calm down a bit now that she has company. The youngsters are more tolerant of having people around. lol

Here's our little boy, starting to grow in some nice red feathers. I can't WAIT for him to grow his adult feathers in!!

Anybody like ducks?
These 2 khaki campbells were hatched by a broody chicken and reared until they found the pools and the pond.

They are 9-10 weeks old now.
ooh ooh me! I like ducks, I have had 5 over the past few years now, i really like them but unfortonatly all of mine have been really super skittish even though they were raised by hand.
my ducks are barnyard mixes.


Peepers and Lilly
I have one more named Dixie who is not pictured, she is like lilly only a black\brown color.

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