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Wow that's so awful. :( I thought slaughter was made illegal here a few years ago? Or they just send them across the border or to private places that aren't technically "slaughter houses"? :(

I hope more get adopted

To answer your questions horse slaughter plants were shut down but they are shipped across the border to be slaughtered and then put in pet food, feed zoo animals, or exported to European countries that eat them. This is one of the topics that I'm very touchy on so I try to stay out of it. If you want my opinion ask if you don't want it I'll keep it to myself.
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To answer your questions horse slaughter plants were shut down but they are shipped across the border to be slaughtered and then put in pet food, feed zoo animals, or exported to European countries that eat them. This is one of the topics that I'm very touchy on so I try to stay out of it. If you want my opinion ask if you don't want it I'll keep it to myself.

That's sad. :( and I don't mind either way. :)

I think I might have an idea of what it is though and correct me if I'm wrong but perhaps you might think the really old or disabled, in pain, ones or whatever it's sad but the animals need to eat something, but wish it wasn't the younger, still healthy ones? I don't like seeing any horses eaten but I read once that horse meat (and.maybe buffalo? Or actually I think horse/cow mix) most closely resembles the prey big cats eat in the wild so if that's the case, I guess they deserve to he healthy, but it's very sad and also sort of upsetting they made it illegal but it still goes on. It also pisses me off though that literally like any horse could wind up there. People don't want them and.send them away or the PMU mares, etc. Etc. Or people sell or give them to good homes and the ******** turm around and sell them to slaughter. It's all so shady and sad and terrible how one wrong step could land a horse in slaughter. They should really have better management of it imo so perfectly good.horses, young or old, don't wind up there. In fact, the barn I used to ride at (used to because we randomly stopped going last year and I don't drive :(), she rescued them all. I forget if it's all but she didn't pay much for any. Some were culls from a breeding program (she has some Morgans, theyre friends and give her the "crazy" or "ugly" ones, etc. And you know, they do well in shows lol one is new and a draft horse and was living with only a rooster lol sweet but kinda pushy.obviously and still a baby at like 6 I think, one.of the Morgan's is 4 or 5. She's got some Quarter Horses too. Ones moody but so sweet. One is really really old, like 24, and some ankle problems now, and stuff but he's the sweetest horse ever. I know for a fact that he was saved from slaughter but don't know about the others. He came from the west. The sweetest, gentlest horse ever. Lesson horse for beginners but anyone can ride him. Once he knows you, he tries to test you, very challenging, and he doesn't let you get away with anything, so he definitely teaches you. He's very smart and knows all the tricks so you have to be on your toes. So he's great and gentle for beginners but then can also be challenging for more experienced people because like I said, he tests you. And this one.lady he haaaaaated. He lovesme though lol like some horses tolerate people but he loves me. She said that within the first few times I ever rode him haha one horse will just go go go go, you don't have to tell her twice, and then the babies don't know be bad yet, so each horseis different but it always a bit of a challenge going from Daisy back to Bubba because like I said, Daisy's basically autopilot and Bubba doesn't let you get away with anything and you have to constantly work lol but anyway, he is the best horse. And he would have been slaughtered. So I definitely see the emotions. Of course, she made them all, but still.
That's sad.
and I don't mind either way.

I think I might have an idea of what it is though and correct me if I'm wrong but perhaps you might think the really old or disabled, in pain, ones or whatever it's sad but the animals need to eat something, but wish it wasn't the younger, still healthy ones? I don't like seeing any horses eaten but I read once that horse meat (and.maybe buffalo? Or actually I think horse/cow mix) most closely resembles the prey big cats eat in the wild so if that's the case, I guess they deserve to he healthy, but it's very sad and also sort of upsetting they made it illegal but it still goes on. It also pisses me off though that literally like any horse could wind up there. People don't want them and.send them away or the PMU mares, etc. Etc. Or people sell or give them to good homes and the ******** turm around and sell them to slaughter. It's all so shady and sad and terrible how one wrong step could land a horse in slaughter. They should really have better management of it imo so perfectly good.horses, young or old, don't wind up there. In fact, the barn I used to ride at (used to because we randomly stopped going last year and I don't drive
), she rescued them all. I forget if it's all but she didn't pay much for any. Some were culls from a breeding program (she has some Morgans, theyre friends and give her the "crazy" or "ugly" ones, etc. And you know, they do well in shows lol one is new and a draft horse and was living with only a rooster lol sweet but kinda pushy.obviously and still a baby at like 6 I think, one.of the Morgan's is 4 or 5. She's got some Quarter Horses too. Ones moody but so sweet. One is really really old, like 24, and some ankle problems now, and stuff but he's the sweetest horse ever. I know for a fact that he was saved from slaughter but don't know about the others. He came from the west. The sweetest, gentlest horse ever. Lesson horse for beginners but anyone can ride him. Once he knows you, he tries to test you, very challenging, and he doesn't let you get away with anything, so he definitely teaches you. He's very smart and knows all the tricks so you have to be on your toes. So he's great and gentle for beginners but then can also be challenging for more experienced people because like I said, he tests you. And this one.lady he haaaaaated. He lovesme though lol like some horses tolerate people but he loves me. She said that within the first few times I ever rode him haha one horse will just go go go go, you don't have to tell her twice, and then the babies don't know be bad yet, so each horseis different but it always a bit of a challenge going from Daisy back to Bubba because like I said, Daisy's basically autopilot and Bubba doesn't let you get away with anything and you have to constantly work lol but anyway, he is the best horse. And he would have been slaughtered. So I definitely see the emotions. Of course, she made them all, but still.
Big cats eat equine like animals or bovine like animals. Which I understand horse is more emotional since they're more of a pet then other animals like a herd of cattle. I understand some cattle are pets but in general it's a food source. If you look at the meat market once animals no longer reproduce they get butchered. Most animals are butchered when or before they can reproduce if they could though. Broilers 6-8 weeks, steers 18 months. Also horses aren't native to America. Most of wild horses were dumped because the horse market crashed and rather the horse would have to starve to death since hay prices went up or dump them hoping they will survive. Horse slaughter plant could help fix the horse market and it's a more humane than things that could happen. Horses can be expensive to have a vet come out to help. They can be expensive to keep. When you can no longer afford them or can't help them what can you do if no one else is willing to take in another horse? Let the horse suffer or hope a miracle will happen and it survives. Slaughter house kills them humanely. Also horse slaughter can help fix the horse market to make it more affordable to have them. Just my opinion. My family owns 12 horses right now.
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Isn't there a similar situation with dairy cows,and I would guess goats, where they have to KEEP them pregnant or they won't lactate?
Isn't there a similar situation with dairy cows,and I would guess goats, where they have to KEEP them pregnant or they won't lactate?
Not quite. An animal will keep producing milk so long as something is taking that milk. For example cattle: Calf is born, when around 11 to 12 months the heifer is bred and will calf in about 9 months. The cow will not be bred/ artificially inseminated for 3 months when the calf is born. After 3 months the cow will be bred or artificially inseminated. The cow will hopefully conceive and be pregnant again. The cow will be milked until 2 or 3 months before calving again. During the 2 or 3 months they are not being milked is called a dry period. Also dairies won't take the first milk from a cow or heifer because of the colostrum. It will go to the calf since that's what gives the calf a boost in its immune system.
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Wow that's so awful.
I thought slaughter was made illegal here a few years ago? Or they just send them across the border or to private places that aren't technically "slaughter houses"?

I hope more get adopted
it is illegal, but they send them to canada and mexico and there is either no rules against that or they just ignore that.
Big cats eat equine like animals or bovine like animals. Which I understand horse is more emotional since they're more of a pet then other animals like a herd of cattle. I understand some cattle are pets but in general it's a food source. If you look at the meat market once animals no longer reproduce they get butchered. Most animals are butchered when or before they can reproduce if they could though. Broilers 6-8 weeks, steers 18 months. Also horses aren't native to America. Most of wild horses were dumped because the horse market crashed and rather the horse would have to starve to death since hay prices went up or dump them hoping they will survive. Horse slaughter plant could help fix the horse market and it's a more humane than things that could happen. Horses can be expensive to have a vet come out to help. They can be expensive to keep. When you can no longer afford them or can't help them what can you do if no one else is willing to take in another horse? Let the horse suffer or hope a miracle will happen and it survives. Slaughter house kills them humanely. Also horse slaughter can help fix the horse market to make it more affordable to have them. Just my opinion. My family owns 12 horses right now.

Oh no, I definitely get that, and I'm not against slaughter so sorry if it came across that way. And I understand vet care can be expensive and general food and everything but I don't think they necessarily need to dump them in the wild or send them ro slaughter. I get what you're saying about it being cruel to starve them but imo it should be a last resort. Some people just decide they don't want them and don't try. Or people claim to be good homes then send them to slaughter and that's not right in my opinion. I don't know how common that is and again, I'm against slaughter, I just think that a lot of parts of it are very shady and a lot of pets or probably even sometimes show horss wind up there by accident. I'm not against it but i'm against good horses being slaughtered

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