Farmyard Bizzaro- diary on a crazy farmyard's days (Geese and Chickens) there has been some BAD news here my side!!!! Our new dog, Sasha is a Boer Boel (never get that type if you are getting/have chickens) and when she was a puppy she was VERY freindly with the chickens!! Then, one morning there were about 2 chickens dead on the lawn...when we did a check on them we found out it was her!!! So...she has not killed about 130 of the girls/boys and now there are only 30 left!! I am very ,ad at her and punished her badly!! Anyway we are trying to sell her!!

There it i....the BAD news
Oh No! I understand. DH brought home an English Setter. She is a bird dog!! HELLO! She has an enclosed fenced in area, but has managed to escape a few times. She has taken out probably 20 of my chickens. I can't be mad at her, it's her nature. I was just mad at the situation. So sorry for you ChickyChickens. Hope you sell her soon.
i wish i had a big flock, but we live in town and right now i have 12 standard chickens/chicks ( only 1 month old) and a bantam, she is 1 year and 3 months.

good story!
So, I will start updating thisa threadf more!! I have put away my bators for now..since winter is coming in! But I'll be letting the brooies kick in again! I already have 5 broodies in like a week...
Since Winter is coming up, I have started to let the broodies start up again! I put away my incubators yesterday, and will start sometime near the end of Winter again! I stopped collectiing eggs 4 weeks ago, and there are now already 5 broodies! Today was day 19 for the one, and here are some pics!

So, this is Venture (she got her name, becasue as a chick she would always venture around the place...and get lost!) and she has got 3 chicks (so far) and 2 more eggs left! She was hiding (you see where is get..VENTURE) in our dustbin (the outside one where we burn it all) She almost got burned, but she got away and i got her eggs out! She is a lovely mother, and here are some pics!!

There will be more updates coming in with the new pics of brooides and whatnot!
I haven't posted pics of the Bizzaro Farm in a while, so here are some!!!!

The chicks are growing really quickly!! The last batch (I couldn't fine them to tkae pics of them) have already left and gone into the free world!!! This is the last batch hatched for this Spring/Summer and I'll start hatching again in the end of Winter / next Spring!

This is our male (buck) goat!! His name is Biju and is an aweosme male!! His 2 girls are pregnant and due in the next 3 month (in Winter

This is Juni (you can see half of the other female, Sally, in the pic)!! She is due after Sally!!! I do not know the exact days since i let my goats run together throughout the year!!!

Venture is having fun, free ranging with her chicks!!!

The 4 remaining broodies!

This is Snowball, she has got 2 eggs for now! I will be giving her another 7 later, and throwing these ones away!

This is Moonshine! She has got 11 eggs!

This is Nany, she has got 9 eggs!!!

Snowflake has only got 10 eggs!

These are the eggs left in the nest!! Tehy will most probbably make another hen broody soon...

So, that's is it for now!! More pics soon!! Hope you liked it!

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