"fattening" up a turkey


Love God, Hubby & farm
11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Bowdon, GA
Okay I have three turkeys that hubbies has marked for christmas dinner - one for him, one for his mom and one for a dear friend.!

I'm not happy with the idea, but how do I safely put weight on a turkey? Thanks.

PS I have smaller turkeys for sale ....some 3 weeks and some now 6 weeks old. Please let me know if you are interested.
What kind of turkey are they? If they are not the broad breasted bronze or broad breasted white, they will have a body like a dual purpose chicken. Meaning they will have single breasts and you wont be able to "fatten" them really.
We are trying a finisher feed this year,
mix 1: 50% wild game bird starter/finisher 22 % protein, 20% rolled oats, 30 % cracked corn.
mix 2: 50% wild game starter/finisher 22 % protein, 50% cracked corn, range fed.

Mix 2 seems to be better so far with Blue Slate and Red Bourbon turkeys.


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