Faverolles Thread

i'm thinking about geting some salmon faverolles to breed. any tips about what they should look like to be show quality. i'm new to the breed.
I thought this would be a good place to ask some advice about this.
I should have 3 different bloodlines of Faverolles next season. I can usually tell my birds apart quite easily, but this will be more birds then I usually keep and I want to keep documentation on every bird. So I was thinking about going with leg bands. I have never used bands before and now my question is what size would I use on Fav's, would it even be recommended or would it damage leg feathers, do I use plastic or metal, is there a certain style that works better then others or is more comfortable for the birds or it there a better alternative?
They will be in separate runs, but I let the groups free range to clean the coop and let them forage for bugs in my garden and mix ups can happen, so I wanted to rather be safe then sorry.
Thank you for any input
I am no expert. I am pretty new also but I have read some other discussion threads that talk about a leg band that is plastic, comes in a variety of colors, and expands with the bird. It is not permanant and I believe they are called spiral leg bands. That might work for you as you could color code your birds. I too was wondering about the leg feathering issue as we are getting ready to band ours for bloodtesting prior to our local fair, so maybe someone else can answer that.
If you want to be able to tell individual birds apart you need to use numbered colored leg bands. That is what I used to do to tell my birds apart. I have also used the spiral leg bands and they work as well. There is a list as to what size to use for faverolles. I would use the large standard breed size. Strombergs is a good place to get the bands.

I get my plastic, spiral, numbered leg bands from Cutler Supply online. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to find them at your local feed store, though they will be MUCH cheaper to order online. Use a size 9 or 11 for LF Favs. When they are young a size 7 will work, and they do expand with the bird, so I actually have a few LF Favs that are 2 years old and still have their size 7s on with no problems.

These types of leg bands CAN come off, though with the leg feathering, they generally don't. I have only had clean legged birds get these types of bands off. Tuck them between their leg feathers, well above the spurs of the boys, and they should stay put. :)

eta: also, if you get three different colors, you can use one color per line, and see at a glance, who's who. Rather than having to look for specific numbers.... ;)
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