Faverolles Thread

Huh, I was expecting different answers! They're historically broody aren't they? Perhaps I'll search out the lines and do some more digging :)
Thanks all!

Hi there, Please share when You do find some…As with most things as people breed some traits specifically to any breed often becomes bred out. This isn't on purpose but just happens by the choices made at the time….more often in the quest of colors…..Time of year, stress, availability and type of food, crowding, nesting opportunities, etc. etc. can also affect if a hen choses to become broody.
haha don't forget this is a heavy breed and they don't go broody too often. But yeah there are exceptions, just depends on the hen. Oh and hatchery hens may have another breed in their bloodline to make them lay more often. I saw some photos of hatchery faverolles chicks and they look so much leaner than mine, mine would look like mini tanks next to them.
None of my Faverolles has ever gone broody, even when I wanted them to!

Mary! You need to get a silkie or two to hatch for you! ;) I just wanted to let you know that you will hopefully be a grandma in about a week. I have some of Leon's eggs under a broody silkie here to hatch for Joel. I am hoping all goes well but that little silkie Mom has been holding tight and is a well seasoned Momma!
I hear ya mame1616! Just when I though I'd finally gotten the last of the chicks I wanted this year, I was given 3 more rocks and 2 ducklings!!! Ahhh... Thank goodness the Ameraucanas are ready to move outside this week! that's one more brooder I can take down! 3 more to go....

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