Faverolles Thread

:/Thanks for the information. By the way, I am a new chicken Mom. Although I have been a member since 2011, I got my first chicks a week ago: 2 salmon Faverolles, 4 Ameraucana and 4 Emerald sex links. I was hoping for more Faverolles, but the breeder had only the two left when I got there. They are about 2 weeks old. I have a couple of questions. My SF are very skittish. Do they get "friendlier" when they get older? Also, they have had pasty butt twice and I just noticed that there appears to be feathers (or down) missing on their butts below their new tail feathers. Is it the pasty butt, or might there be another reason for the bare butts?
I think I may have a male and a female. I will get some photos tomorrow.:/
:/Thanks for the information. By the way, I am a new chicken Mom. Although I have been a member since 2011, I got my first chicks a week ago: 2 salmon Faverolles, 4 Ameraucana and 4 Emerald sex links. I was hoping for more Faverolles, but the breeder had only the two left when I got there. They are about 2 weeks old. I have a couple of questions. My SF are very skittish. Do they get "friendlier" when they get older? Also, they have had pasty butt twice and I just noticed that there appears to be feathers (or down) missing on their butts below their new tail feathers. Is it the pasty butt, or might there be another reason for the bare butts?
I think I may have a male and a female. I will get some photos tomorrow.

Welcome to chickens!

My Faverolles are always hyper and freak out when I come near them until they are a few months old, then they seem to grow into their brains and stop treating me as if I'm trying to kill them all the time. Just be patient.

The missing feathers may be from those that got pulled out when you removed the poop from their butts. It'll grow back.
:/Thanks for the information. By the way, I am a new chicken Mom. Although I have been a member since 2011, I got my first chicks a week ago: 2 salmon Faverolles, 4 Ameraucana and 4 Emerald sex links. I was hoping for more Faverolles, but the breeder had only the two left when I got there. They are about 2 weeks old. I have a couple of questions. My SF are very skittish. Do they get "friendlier" when they get older? Also, they have had pasty butt twice and I just noticed that there appears to be feathers (or down) missing on their butts below their new tail feathers. Is it the pasty butt, or might there be another reason for the bare butts?
I think I may have a male and a female. I will get some photos tomorrow.
I have a few chicks and they were definitely the skittish type. They have been getting calmer now that they are older. They still scream like i'm about to kill them when i pick em up. I've read fermented feed helps with the pasty butt. i give mine wet starter crumbles when they are a few weeks old and give them the solid crumbles when they are about 4 weeks old.
I had to clear up a couple cases of Pasty Butt when they were brand new. They too had pretty naked bums for a while. I wouldn't worry about it much.

We just hit 7 weeks and we've got most of our feathers now

First time out in warm sun! (4 Faverolles, 1 Wyandotte, 1 Sussex)

Welcome to chickens!

My Faverolles are always hyper and freak out when I come near them until they are a few months old, then they seem to grow into their brains and stop treating me as if I'm trying to kill them all the time.  Just be patient.

I have found this true! I think it is so funny. My faverolles chicks are usually the most skittish chicks in my grow out pens. Then, as adults, they become the most pet like, and follow me around.
I can imagine how dusty it is in that room. What's the temperature over there? I kicked mine out of the house as soon as i saw some wing feathers. I have them in a rabbit cage and cover them with a blanket at night.
As soon as mine are fully feather they gotta go out. At least I have heater garage for them until then. Luckily the oldest group is ready to go out. But will have 25+ chicks in there again soon.
As soon as mine are fully feather they gotta go out. At least I have heater garage for them until then. Luckily the oldest group is ready to go out. But will have 25+ chicks in there again soon. 

I don't think the cold weather affects these too much they are like little ovens, I've had mine out in 40 degree weather without a lamp and when it got below 40 I would turn on a lamp for them, while they were still outside in a cage.

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