Faverolles Thread

Glad you got them they are such an amazing breed
Rupert is very handsome he is going to make an awesome breeder bird! Look at the beard and so early on to.

Indeed very nice! I only have 2 pasofino babies left because I only hatched out one pullet!

Here they are, the pullet has some black in her beard and chest...I HAD to keep the white cockeral-check out the beard on him! I should name him Santa!



all i can imagine is when it does the giggle laugh that i know my favs do, it is really laughing 'HO, HO, HO!' now get used to trimming those feathers around the eyes! he's going to have a gorgeous beard when he gets older!
Chickie'sMoma :

Indeed very nice! I only have 2 pasofino babies left because I only hatched out one pullet!

Here they are, the pullet has some black in her beard and chest...I HAD to keep the white cockeral-check out the beard on him! I should name him Santa!



all i can imagine is when it does the giggle laugh that i know my favs do, it is really laughing 'HO, HO, HO!' now get used to trimming those feathers around the eyes! he's going to have a gorgeous beard when he gets older!​

I have thought about trimming some beards but everyone seems to be able to see alright.
I have a question about Faverolles...

Are they loud?
Good Moms?
Aggressive Roosters?

Anyother comments would be nice too...
Are they loud?
The hens are not loud at all in my opinion and I have owned a bunch of other breeds the loudest chicken I own is a bantam columbian wyndotte pullet and she is half the size of the faverolles. With the roosters it varies from boy to boy. Faverolles do have there own vocabulary that is unique to this breed lots of little trills and chirps that I have never heard from any other chickens.
As with all chickens depends on where you keep them! If you give them the care and space they need they will keep themselves very clean and won't smell at all but if you make them live in there own filth they will pickup crud on there beards and feet and look nasty. I pasture my birds so they keep very clean.
I have only had my flock for about 6 months but they aren't like silkies of cochins. From what I have heard bantams go broody occasionally but Standards very rarely none of my girls have gone broody yet this summer. I am hoping one or two do so I can have some little babies running around with their moms.
Good Moms?
Bantam yes when they do go broody.
Aggressive Roosters?
No not at all the roosters are sweet docile boys just like there hens. My rooster occasionally dances around me but he loves to be picked up and petted to.
Yes extremely they are snuggly chickens especially if you handle them when they are young. They are very docile and very calm great with kids! Mine are very easy to pick up.
No not at all if they are handled they will not be flighty at all and by no stretch of the imagination could my birds be called flighty they are addicted to treats and run at me whenever I go outside ha ha.
LF- White, BBS (impossible to get yet), and Mahogany.
Bantam- White, BBS (more widely available then LF), Buff, and mahogany (very rare).

Salmon and blue salmon are the most common by far. There are a few breeders of buff, BBS, and white bantams and only one or two breeders of LF BBS and none of their stock is available. The first crosses for lavenders are being made but they will not be available for another 6 or so years.

Both bantams and LF do come in other colors. White, black, blue and buff (bantams only), but they are extremely hard to find. Very, very few breeders have the other colors.
Hi, I have 13 Faverolles' eggs in the incubator. Hopefully there will be chicks!
This my first attemp to hatch. We chose Faverolles because they are pretty and heard many good things about the breed here in the forum. I believe they will be perfect for us!
My partner is french and remembers the breed form his childhood, unfortunately the breed is no longer common in France!
Glad to do my part in preserving the breed.
Henry gave you excellent answers.
I have hatched my very first eggs (= faverolles) 4 weeks ago, and fell in love with them.
All 9 chicks are sweet little darlings, I do know what Henry says about "chirping and their own sound", because I also have almost same age Marans chicks, and they never made that kind of sound.
My faverolles are talking to each other in their own way, and it sounds like "singing" and I love it. However, it is not loud sound, it's quiet and relaxing sound.
When I do gardening or clean up the chicken bed, feed, etc... faverolles are hopping onto my shoulder and stay there as long as they can. They are great birds.

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