Faverolles Thread

Great !!!! Oh yeah i am in the country pretty much its just the neighbors are fairly close by. This neighbor and i dont have the best rapport to begin with - but all along the road people have cows - horses - etc. I just dont want to fuel his fire. I havent talked to this man in close to a year so for him to talk to me about it - he must not be happy!

At least there's nothing he can actually "do" about it.

I currently have 27 crowing roosters. My neighbors are "city folk" who bought the lot next door, and proceeded to build a micro mansion RIGHT on the other side of the fence. So, I say they deserve their daily serenade! LOL

They complain to the neighbors on their other side, but just don't speak to me....win, win.

I keep telling my DH that I'm going to build hog pens right along our side of the fence....I won't actually do it, but it's fun to think about.

Ohhhh Jeanine, Your wicked VBG. I am lost in those kind of peoples thinking...Heating the barn er house and falling in love with the country scenery but not liking the reality of livestock smells and sounds. We have mcmansions in my neighborhood too...usually with animal covenants......I have about 15 various crowers and often ask the neighbors (were on 5-7 acre plots) as they are all nice if they are bothered...they are either too nice or don't care...
I do keep the loudest in the barn and cycle them in and out every couple of weeks with others so its not too bad... I am of the mind if You try and do something to minimize so the "cranky" neighbor knows you are trying it sometimes helps....Don't need them mad enough to secretly do something sometime when your not home or.....
If you can find a way to house them in a sound resistant coop or garage or barn during the night, that really helps,(ask my hubby who likes to keep the bedroom window open while he *tries* to sleep).

Best of Luck, eliz
They start laying around 6 months of age. Doesn't matter what time of year.

Yes the hen i have now, is over a year old (infact i have had for a year this thanksgiving weeked {or monday})and she would have been about 5-6 months old then...
They start laying around 6 months of age. Doesn't matter what time of year.

This is not the case with most chickens. Chickens by nature are seasonal layers. When day lengths reaches x amount of hours (I would have to look up the optimal hours) they are more apt to lay. The same is when they quit going into the fall and shorter days.

I will say that some breeds/strains have had more pressure put on production and will not do this. As for this hen I have no idea! Maybe the cooler weather makes her feel better!
My girl completely quit. We had some crappy weather, and she quit, and then now the weather is nice again, they are out all day, and no eggs.. I have been looking for the stash, but I haven't even heard the egg song. I am thinking of putting a next box just outside the coop to see if maybe she'll use it. I am also going to try putting hay back in the next box instead of pine shavings... But I miss her eggs. She laid yummy eggs...
one of my fav girls is going through a harsh molt at the moment but my other hen is still laying an egg about every other day like she's always done. one of my pullets lays on the opposite day as her so i'm still getting a small supply of eggs while they younger girls haven't started yet.

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