Faverolles Thread

Thanks Jeanine.

I am putting this out here first.

This offer is for LARGE FOWL.... BIg chickens..
I have 2 pair of 50% fav lavenders that I'm wanting to sell. They are more than breeding worthy. I am going to be in a different situation shortly and am only keeping a few salmons and my black and blue favs. The blues will eventually need homes also as I am just using them to get more blacks. I have no blue males but I can assure you the pullets are huge and gorgeous. When I am done hatching from them I will post out here. Interested parties may pm me here.

I want $25. a piece for the lavs. You will need to ship me a LARGE box from Verizon. If you live completely across the country from Tampa, FL I will not be able to sell to you as I don't send adults 2 days. The shipping on such would run, from what I'm told approx. $85.00. Sale and approx shipping will be paid up front. They will be shipped on a Monday and during a cooler week down here. If above 80 degrees I do not ship! Underline that please.

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Thought I'd share some pics. This WAS an 8x12 barn divided into 3 compartments by 2ft wall and chicken wire with doors to walk through for feeding egg collecting etc. There were pop doors down the left side where they could go out into their runs. This is what housed all my breeders/show-ers. Luckily I had them all with me at crossroads. Unfortunately the front half was also housing my brooder with all the gorgeous LF chicks I showed off last week. I guess the brooder light fell. Not sure how....
View from front right and riding mower hubby tried to save

View from front left
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Omg Kass, I am SO sorry!!

Wow, my biggest fear is fire, had one in an apartment once...glad that you had the majority of your birds with you...Best Wishes, eliz
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Oh Kassandra, how awful! You have my full sympathy! We went through a fire last year (in our leather shop) and it is certainly not something I would wish anyone to have to deal with ever. At least your breeding/show birds were with you but so sorry about the babies too! Looking forward . . . at least you get to hatch lots of eggs and have lots of fuzzy butts next year!
I am so very sorry! Not a good thing to come home to at all I am glad you had most with you but sorry about your babies. Do you have a place to put your chickens for the time being? Gosh, I couldn't imagine this happening!

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