Faverolles Thread

My christmas present from my faverolles, first egg! Laid christmas morning

What no bow?
Just kidding, that's really exciting, congratulations!
Thank You! I am super excited! I got another one yesterday, I found it when I closed them up last night. I was getting desperate, I actually BOUGHT eggs yesterday. Aack!
I have heard of others adding the apple cider vinegar. What does that do for the birds? Any chance it helps keep the water from freezing as well?

Once the birds get use to the taste it makes them drink more in the winter time, they won't get dehydrated. The thing is you need to give them BRAGG'S apple cider vinegar. This is a mistake I made years ago. When I went to the market to buy ACV you could see right through the bottle, all the good stuff was taken out. BRAGG'S has what they call the "mother" in it which is apple sediment in the bottom. Also good for humans, has a lot of benefits.
I was worried about my little Favs, and all the chickens really, given the harsh temps and RIPPING winds here but there were no flocksicles this morning. Just little fluffy faces looking for food :) My boy is starting to block out, as in, look like a real Favorelle boy! I can't wait to see them in the grass again! They are 5 mos now. I think some of you said yours started laying at most 6 or 7. That would mean that I could look for Valentines from my Favs and hopefully start incubating soon after. Woo hoo!
since i currently have only two bantam favorolle girls, they have a cage inside at nite, and a play yard outside when the weather permits- i am so i love with those girls i am super protective- can't wait till cloverleaf can send eggs again! Hey i have a friend in texas that has a large fav roo she is rehoming if anyone is interested, i can get info to you

martha was checking out the serama roo
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I spent some time in the coop today, and they are certainly dressed for a Maine winter!


And, a Salmon Faverolle roo is truly a beautiful thing! This is my first experience with them in person, I have only seen pics, and the camera cant capture their true colors. They are positively regal! He is really something!

Violet, where did you get your pretty hens and roo, what size eggs do they lay? I am considering getting some and live on the east coast of NC in winter and the mtns of NC in the summer. I migrate and take my hens with me to my homes in both places. I love them to much to do without them. Gloria Jean
I spent some time in the coop today, and they are certainly dressed for a Maine winter!

And, a Salmon Faverolle roo is truly a beautiful thing! This is my first experience with them in person, I have only seen pics, and the camera cant capture their true colors. They are positively regal! He is really something!

Lovely! And they certainly do look "dressed for winter", lol.
Crazyhen~ I hatched these pretty birds from eggs I aquired from Keesmom, they are to her credit! Edited to add, their eggs are medium sized.

They are something! I really cant get over the colors in the rooster. All the feathers in his tail amd wings are purple, green, and blue, and combinations of all three. I love the contrast of the black beard and white head and neck. I love them in. I am just so pleased with them! The hens are georgeous too. The hens.look like they are dressed in layers tulle and lace. With feather boas!
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