Faverolles Thread

Sorry guys, but we won't be coming to Massachusettes this weekend for the show. My son in law had back surgery on Monday and isn't doing very well, so my husband and I decided we should stay around home for our daughter and 2 year old grandson. Goodluck to everyone showing and we will all meet soon.
Oh sorry to hear that Leisha. Hope your son in law improves. Hope we run into each other soon.
My babies now 8 weeks old are starting to get more defined. My little cockerel his black beard feathers are starting to come in!! How cute
Alright, well, Henry and Sandiclaws already having had their outfits planned has me feeling under prepared. Its sounding a lot like a sports arena where everyone expresses their fan status by wearing a jersey of their favorite team. I don't have anything for Favs. .... or any other breed.

You could wear one of your Favs on your head! Easy to spot, certainly a fashion statement and GUARANATEED no one else will be wearing the same hat as you!

Couldn't I just be the only crazy lady there with a 1 year old (whose birthday happens to coincide with the congress?)

That right there will probably make you much easier to spot! How many people are gutsy enough to tote a 1 year old around an event like this?

he is also likely to keep his coat and hat on, and he is VERY tall 6',4" and a bean pole

Henry, look for this guy and tell him he NEEDS to buy his lovely wife a new camera. A GOOD new camera
And if he doesn't agree right off, tell him that you have ALL weekend to show him EVERY SINGLE chicken in the place with a description of how well each fits the SOP. I bet she gets that camera before you get through just one breed.

That is one very cool shirt! I love it, and I'd totally wear it, and I am not one for wearing things on my shirt. I don't like people staring at my bust. It is just spectacular!

Um, you DO know how that reads, right? Or maybe you are just bragging about your "endowment"

I hung some nest boxes in the solarium yesterday, and apparently they were well received! I caught one of the Favs in the nest box and three more watching her. And watching and watching, and picking at the hay and shavings in the nest box. And watching. So, naturally I sat and waited and watched too, and was rewarded for my patience



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