Faverolles Thread

I have had birds peck at each other to push each other out of the way but have never had them bloody each other. They have about eight acres to get out of each others way and plenty to do though. Lots of room helps.
Mine usually get along just fine. I'm not sure what provoked the squabbling last weekend, but it kept erupting in spurts - the same 3 girls each time. I suspected it had something to do with pecking order, but I'm not sure.

I had taken my youngest cockerel out of the male pen and turned him loose with the girls for a couple of days and I saw a couple of hens giving him "what for" and the stink eye. He's still trying to grow up, so he jumps and runs from them when they get ugly with him.
Ok it seems that this is a breed specific problem so I thought I'd ask in this thread. All the info I find on it seems to refer to salmon Faverolles, though I have never seen it in my chicks, these 2 are some that my friend has hatched in her last batch of eggs. Has anyone had experience with bug eyed chicks like these? If so what causes it and how can I help these pitiful babies?
Ok it seems that this is a breed specific problem so I thought I'd ask in this thread. All the info I find on it seems to refer to salmon Faverolles, though I have never seen it in my chicks, these 2 are some that my friend has hatched in her last batch of eggs. Has anyone had experience with bug eyed chicks like these? If so what causes it and how can I help these pitiful babies?
I have seen this, luckily very rarely. Unfortunately I do not know the cause, nor do I know of any treatment. They do not survive long.
Ok it seems that this is a breed specific problem so I thought I'd ask in this thread. All the info I find on it seems to refer to salmon Faverolles, though I have never seen it in my chicks, these 2 are some that my friend has hatched in her last batch of eggs. Has anyone had experience with bug eyed chicks like these? If so what causes it and how can I help these pitiful babies?
I have a full grown female Salmon Faverolle that was born with one eye like that. She has one good eye though. The other eye eventually receded but is blind. The lids open but the eye ball is solid grey with no pupil or iris. When she was a chicklet I put Neosporin on it for a couple of weeks or so. She does pretty good for only having one eye but with both of their eyes like that I would think you might need to cull. Can they open their eyes at all? can you see if the have any pupils or iris'. I am sorry for your hardship
Wow i am sorry you had this happen, i have never had ones that had this problem. In my last hatch i did have one that had one bottom eyelid that was flipped inside out. i just worked very carefully with a pair of tweezers and "unflipped" it. He turned out completely healthy after a few days. I use Vetricyn ophthalmic ointment for any eye problems all though these guys appear to have their eyes actually outside of the socket so i dont know that any treatment will really help their quality of life. I know they have there eyes closed in that picture but can they open them at all?
Ugh, that's convincing... Until I took another look at "her" and noticed her breast is growing in Black. She can't possibly be gender-switching on me can she? I don't really mind either way, although I don't know where I'm going to house it if it turns Cockerel
Hi there, hope its a girl but me thinks its a boy....I have just had several chicks look like this and they were boys.

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