Faverolles Thread

different species of cicada spend different numbers of years pupating underground, as I understand it. Some are annual, some are 7-year, and some are 17(!) years. My husband grew up in the Midwest and remembers the last 17-year cicada hatch...says his whole family had to scream at each other to be heard for weeks, they were so loud. I grew up in the NW, so unless its a 17-year plague of banana slugs...ive got nothing. We had the annual ones when we lived in Mexico, and they were plenty loud enough to drown out most anything sometimes. I must confess to having some slight hope that all of our poultry will help keep the noise down around the house a little...
We love cicadas here. I won't feed them to the chickens. They are in the "book of cool bugs" here. They don't look anything like a locust which is more of a grasshopper. They have a distincitve sounds, that buzzing sound of 'heat' in the summer. They are a beneficial bug if they aren't swarming. Big, so don't get hit by one on your bike. I bet my birds would know what to do with one but those babies hide in the tall grass mostly and get quiet when you come near so they are tough to find. I would love to hatch something out here for the chickens. Black flies are here but they are NOT in the book nor do I want them. One woman hatches cockroaches and I know folks do Soldiers and some do Mealies. IDK. I can't get excited about either of those either.
Are faverolles an early or late maturing breed?
I'm just wondering what the average age is they start laying?

Also they apparently lay through winter so does that mean the fact we are heading into winter over here won't affect when they start to lay?
Mine tend to be late maturing, especially the males. The pullets on average take 6-7 months to start laying. I hatch in spring, so most start laying in the fall.
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Interesting on the bugs... we had a couple of beetle things in the brooder and our 5 week old chicks acted more afraid of them than anything. I'm hoping they'll eventually see bugs as a tasty snack to cut down on our population.

And because I can't resist, I have a new picture of my very girly looking girl that I was wondering about a couple weeks ago. She's 5 weeks old now, and looking prettier by the day. I thought her baby down was soft... wow, I can't stop touching her feathers. I guess I am turning into the crazy chicken mama.

I am looking for a Salmon Faverolle chic (and a few other breeds also). Preferably in (or near) Massachusetts. Anyone have any for sale or know someone who does? Thanks

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