Faverolles Thread

Most of mine have fallen into that same category and then, suddenly, they start camping out around my feet when I sit in the lawn chair.....strange how they suddenly realize you're not going to eat them...

- I have a broody with 4 chicks right now, they're about 5 weeks old.....However, mom is teaching them well, when they see me coming out with something in my hand or the feed bucket those little chicks come running, stretching their necks out and cheeping at me
They're so adorable I keep finding excuses to take scraps out to them!

I have my first Favs now and the oldest are about 10 weeks old. I bought them at 6 weeks and it took about a week for the cockerel to be under my feet. The pullet comes running and seems to know I'm not going to eat her, but she doesn't want to be touched. Ed, the cockerel.... well... he got his name because I kept calling him special ed. He's been under my feet so many times, gotten me all tripped up or him swept across the floor on my foot because I didn't even see him. He seems to enjoy being petted, rarely moves when I reach to pick him up, gets crazy excited if I lower my hand and he thinks there's a goody in it! LOL! I think I'm really going to LOVE this breed!
I'll try and get a photo of them next to a ruler, they're about the size of a black bird I think though.
Looking at pictures the bantams seem to have pretty short legs (similar to my Orp Bantam), but these chicks are pretty leggy.

It might just be a case of wait and see. Would love some huge Favs though!
My goodness either they are really tiny or you have bigger black birds than us! Our black birds wouldn't even be as big as a rat.
My goodness either they are really tiny or you have bigger black birds than us! Our black birds wouldn't even be as big as a rat.

Oh we must definitely have big black birds then, unless you have huge rats? LOL

I'd say they're as tall as a male black bird, but much rounder.

I'll try and get a photo of them today next to something to compare size as I can't find a ruler anywhere.

I must admit, I was expecting them to be bigger than they are now, even if they were bantams. I bought a 16 week Legbar cross in April, she's a big bird now, but at 16 weeks she was 3X the size of these chicks.
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Oh we must definitely have big black birds then, unless you have huge rats? LOL

I'd say they're as tall as a male black bird, but much rounder.

I'll try and get a photo of them today next to something to compare size as I can't find a ruler anywhere.

I must admit, I was expecting them to be better than they are now, even if they were bantams. I bought a 16 week Legbar cross in April, she's a big bird now, but at 16 weeks she was 3X the size of these chicks.

A photo of them next to something so we can compare size would really help. Most of us are in the US and I'm probably not the only one that isn't sure what your UK black birds look like! Around this part of the country there are blackbirds - grackles, cowbirds, etc that are about the size of a fieldfare. Then there are the bigger black birds - crows and ravens.
I'm trying to find something in the house that I can use for a size comparison that you would also have there, would a tin of beans do? Are standard tins the same size over there?
I don't know how I'll get them to stand still long enough to take a photo though lol!

How old should a LF Fav or Bantam be when it is fully grown?

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