Faverolles Thread

Right, I have some photos! I couldn't get them stood right next to the tin - they were scared of it LOL!

I'm surprised how big they looked compared to the tin, it barely touched their bloomers, which is making me think I'm just seeing them smaller than they are having had them from teeny chicks.
I've also been looking back at the pictures of my Cream Legbar cross when we first got her - I didn't actually realise how small she was (smaller than my Goldtop who is tiny!) and she's grown masses in the past 3 months so I don't think I have much to worry about with the chicks. If they are bantams, hey ho, I think they'll still grow up to be fairly big and poofy.

Anyway, photos...

(The mesh is 1"x1", don't know if this helps size-wise or not)

Hehe Willow is the one peeking - she has such a cheeky personality. She's the smallest one but runs round like a mad one chest bumping Rora and Luna, they pay no attention.

To be honest they have really filled out since the weekend - just finished their mini moult and seem to have hit a growth spurt
I love chicks - but I just cannot wait for these girls to be fully grown, I think they get cuter!
Hope you don't mind me posting some more pictures.
The girls moved out of their temp/chick run into the big run today (but separated off from the other girls). I'm surprised by how well things are going, I've never had any problems with introductions other than they turn into noisy little cherubs and try to get through the mesh to the new girls.... well nothing like that today! They're all just doing their own thing not even phased by the chicks, the chicks even want to go and see them but the others aren't bothered.
Sorry for the picture overload, they're just so adorable I cant stop taking photos!



Luna and Rora

Luna, Willow, Rora


Time for Maggots!

Nap time!

I have my first Favs now and the oldest are about 10 weeks old. I bought them at 6 weeks and it took about a week for the cockerel to be under my feet. The pullet comes running and seems to know I'm not going to eat her, but she doesn't want to be touched. Ed, the cockerel.... well... he got his name because I kept calling him special ed. He's been under my feet so many times, gotten me all tripped up or him swept across the floor on my foot because I didn't even see him. He seems to enjoy being petted, rarely moves when I reach to pick him up, gets crazy excited if I lower my hand and he thinks there's a goody in it! LOL! I think I'm really going to LOVE this breed!

LOL! - Yeah, I have a couple of the "look, but don't touch" girls! I have 2 different groups, I think yours are the same age as my "older" chicks - isn't that a great age? They're just beginning to really feather out and take on individual appearances. I have a total of 6 pullets and 2 roos. Oh, and I have a broody fav hen sitting on one egg! She's the second fav broody I've had this season. I originally gave her 3 eggs, and I marked them with a spot of duct tape, but I think my neighbor must've come over and got some eggs because now I can only find one with a spot of tape
I can't imagine what else could've happened to them
I agree, they are lovable birds!
LOL Rita' s gonna have the fattest chicks around!

LOL! Indeed! If not the fattest, definitely the most spoiled
They really do surprise me when they come running to me like that, I've never seen young chicks act like that.

I'm off work Monday, maybe I can take some pics of my 2 groups. The older ones are really looking nice and fluffy...
Their feet, for the most part, are not perfect, but not too shabby. At least the last 2 toes are up where they should be!

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