Faverolles Thread

Hi Lunar Rain --

I have some newbies also that I'm trying to sex. One day I'm certain they are all pullets, the next I'm fairly convinced all cockerels! Do you have any other wing pics you'd be willing to add? Those were very helpful...!
Hi Lunar Rain --

I have some newbies also that I'm trying to sex. One day I'm certain they are all pullets, the next I'm fairly convinced all cockerels! Do you have any other wing pics you'd be willing to add? Those were very helpful...!

Hiya there!

The males wing feathers are much much darker than the females. I'm sure if you post some pictures we could help
Hi Lunar Rain --

I have some newbies also that I'm trying to sex. One day I'm certain they are all pullets, the next I'm fairly convinced all cockerels! Do you have any other wing pics you'd be willing to add? Those were very helpful...!
This is my first go. I am only guessing that what I think to be pullets and cockerel are correct. I will go and take photos them later today. I only have the 3 and they are 2 weeks old.
Respitory... The Roo and a hen or 2 have come down with heavy breathing and the roo's one eye is swollen shut and goop was coming out. It's gotten better but... All the diseases I've seen that cause that scare the crap out of me!! Sure don't want carriers of whatever it is. :/.

I wouldn't say its a breed thing but mine are definatly more susceptible to breathing stuff in than my bantams.

I had issues with sneezing all the time on wood shavings when they were younger. I removed the shavings when they were locked up at night in a smaller temporary box and it improved but I will hear at least one sneeze every day still yet I never hear the bantams.

We also had one we even put on antibiotics because she was doing this horrible labour end breathing. Bit like that breathing someone with asthma does. The next day it was gone and she sounded fine.
Then they started laying eggs and I just happened to be at the coop and she was banging around in the nesting box trying to get ready for her first egg and I saw dust fall through to the floor below (I hadn't thought the hay was dusty but must have been). Didn't think much of it till my son came up later to say tuppence was doing that loud breathing again. This time I just let it go and she was fine by morning.

So....to cut a short story long :) mine seem to be much more sensitive to anything respitory.
Weeping, bubbling or swollen eyes are usually symptoms of a respiratory illness, possibly one of the mycoplasmas (MG or MS). What are your plans for these birds?

Good question. Wanted to breed and sell but obviously that is NOT happening. :(

I've heard that even if those ilnesses go away they could be carriwra and infect other birds. So... Ugh!!

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