Faverolles Thread

You are right, and that is the bit that annoys me most as well as the attitude of well see if we can get away with it... without any consideration of the fact they are fundamentally and ethically wrong to think like that. Only when his understanding of international law was challenged, plus the heat from you guys did he take down the photos...bit of a hypocrite really..
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Back from the Poultry Congress. Not as many LF Fav entries as last year, but there were more bantams. Leisha was able to make it with several of hers. Mary and Sandy had the LF entered. Once again Mary took reserve Continental with a LF pullet!

It was nice to see everyone today! Mary, Leisha, Henry, Daniel and his sister, Sandy, and the new people interested in Faverolles. Just missed Dick unfortunately, but I was late in leaving as it was.

Then I got home to find 5" of snow that wasn't there when I left.

If I get a chance I'll post some pics later.
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I finally managed to get a couple pictures of my cockerel Angus today. I plan to pen him with my three Faverolles girls and see if I can't hatch a few chicks this year. This first one is a bit blurry but it's the only one where he's standing in a normal postion.

I was standing over him in this one, but it's the clearest.

He's not quite 6 months old yet. He's such a sweetheart... he's my favorite bird in the flock. (shhhh, don't tell the others!)
I may soon, Nava, and I live a hour away from you
great, how big do their beard grow?

I saw the rooster in the 24hr auction, and I got a crazy idea,

now I want a naked neck with a very long bead,
ohhh im still keeping my line pure, I just think it will be a cool looking chicken.
Lol, well, the cockerel in the picture above has a pretty good beard, that is as big as it going to get. I seriously cant imagine a bearded naked neck :eek:

I have chicks that you could get, or wait until I see how the little ones are geowing out so I can pick which ones I am keeping and which are going.
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Back from the Poultry Congress. Not as many LF Fav entries as last year, but there were more bantams. Leisha was able to make it with several of hers. Mary and Sandy had the LF entered. Once again Mary took reserve Continental with a LF pullet!

Found out that girl was hatched from the eggs I sent Mary last spring :)

It was nice to see everyone today! Mary, Leisha, Henry, Daniel and his sister, Sandy, and the new people interested in Faverolles. Just missed Dick unfortunately, but I was late in leaving as it was.

Then I got home to find 5" of snow that wasn't there when I left.

If I get a chance I'll post some pics later.

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