Faverolles Thread

I hatched out six salmon faverolles in April. Upon hatching three were solid yellow, two had the stripes, and one had just a splotch of dark on its neck. The solid yellows all were males. The two with stripes and one with the splotch were females. I know that's not the norm but it makes me wonder if there's a link, at least within my birds' genetics.
Thats interesting! I hatched out 13-3 girls and 10 boys (one was part of a project and was a different color) I had 2 with the racing stripes and am pretty sure it was my two pullets!
I would love to hear from others that had chicks hatch with stripes to see if there is any pattern to this?
Here are my 2 new salmon babies, 2 days old, should be a male & female pair

I have six faverolles hatching eggs in the incubator
Can't wait yo have chicks I love my older ones
Thank you they are very cute I couldn't help it the local feed store had some Faverolles so I picked up another one, lol I am addicted!
good luck on your hatch, can't wait to see pictures of babies
Thank you they are very cute I couldn't help it the local feed store had some Faverolles so I picked up another one, lol I am addicted!
good luck on your hatch, can't wait to see pictures of babies

Thank you
They are the sweetest birds I've bought my faverolles hen a chicken diaper, as she won't leave my side, we had a neighbour round for a meal last night and two chickens walked in , jumped on the table and started eating my fish! Luckily the neighbour knows I'm mad ; )
Thank you
They are the sweetest birds I've bought my faverolles hen a chicken diaper, as she won't leave my side, we had a neighbour round for a meal last night and two chickens walked in , jumped on the table and started eating my fish! Luckily the neighbour knows I'm mad ; )
LOL that's great stuff!!!!! My friend is already expecting that stuff from me and making fun.... The look on his face if he saw a diaper on a chicken would be priceless!!! my 11 week old Faverolle "Britches" is the only one that responds to her name, she is still not a fan of being held (never has like being held) but she likes to by my side or on my computer lol.... she likes to type.
My newest 2 from Meyers are very out going and the one I think is the male likes to cuddle under my chin, the Faverolle from the feed store is pretty scared still but she is already jumping from the feeder to the perch, so now just have to work on her getting used to me. The Easter eggers and mystery chick are also more outgoing the my last brood so I hope they are even friendlier then my current girls. I love all of them some may go live with my dad later on and it is hard to see that day how will I decide who to keep here with me, they are all my babies!
Also I am still trying to decide if I am going to keep my Speckled Sussex; ended up being a rooster :( I was only planing on the one Fav roo, he is so pretty, but he is loosing his friendliness he is not aggressive yet just avoids me and freaks out when I go to pick him up. He used to come to me when he was a little one so it is sad for me to see him so sacred all of the sudden.

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