Faverolles Thread

12 shipped eggs, 5 no starts, 7 hatched :) Super happy!! :D
Well, I am going to be in the market for lf salmon fav eggs... need to revuilt my stock. Was hoping to get with piperomar, I have bought from her the last two years... but could use some other bloodlines too.

I am a few pages behind in the thread so you may have resolved by now, but last year her birds were molting around this time and she had eggs again in February? I believe
Hi Everyone - I have 3 cockerels and I am in the process of educating myself on what a good LF Salmon Favorelles cock looks like. I have read the standard but I still need some help visually. Are there any resources out there that show pictures of what to look for? I have looked at the images here on this thread but it would be helpful to have more of a tutorial of sorts.

I have been to feathersite and the breed club site and both were helpful but was wondering if there are more resources people have found helpful? I am still learning and trying to develop my eye.

They are from a good breeder but are still young, about 20 weeks, so I am not sure if they are old enough for a good critique but I would be happy to post them if people are interested.
Hi Everyone - I have 3 cockerels and I am in the process of educating myself on what a good LF Salmon Favorelles cock looks like. I have read the standard but I still need some help visually. Are there any resources out there that show pictures of what to look for? I have looked at the images here on this thread but it would be helpful to have more of a tutorial of sorts. 

I have been to feathersite and the breed club site and both were helpful but was wondering if there are more resources people have found helpful? I am still learning and trying to develop my eye. 

They are from a good breeder but are still young, about 20 weeks, so I am not sure if they are old enough for a good critique but I would be happy to post them if people are interested. 

Year olds are the ones you want to critique, younger than that and you still can't see all their faults and potentials. Try the Facebook page, search for "2015 Faverolles Fanciers of America"
Hi Everyone - I have 3 cockerels and I am in the process of educating myself on what a good LF Salmon Favorelles cock looks like. I have read the standard but I still need some help visually. Are there any resources out there that show pictures of what to look for? I have looked at the images here on this thread but it would be helpful to have more of a tutorial of sorts.

I have been to feathersite and the breed club site and both were helpful but was wondering if there are more resources people have found helpful? I am still learning and trying to develop my eye.

They are from a good breeder but are still young, about 20 weeks, so I am not sure if they are old enough for a good critique but I would be happy to post them if people are interested.
Twenty weeks is still young for a good critique. You can however look for obvious faults such as side sprigs, extra toes and nails, split wing,etc. Do you have a copy of the APA Standard of Perfection? The first 40-50 pages are very useful in explaining general faults and what they look like. You should also handle them to get an idea on how they are filling out.

You can post pictures here too. Or check out the Faverolles Fanciers site on FB as Leisha suggested.
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My hen looks pretty much the same now that she is mature. She really is too beautiful for the free range chicken life. Poor girl is always dirty!

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