Faverolles Thread

My Fav chicks are so darling! Tiny little sweethearts already! They don't run away from me... they actually come up and circle my hand and rub across my palm! It looks like at least three of them have good color. One has a touch of breast ticking, and one... well...

This is the one Mom thought was a cockerel. I think it's just a really mottled pullet. I guess one muddy one out of five isn't bad. Plus, my big Fav Gossie is good looking, so I think my starter flock is going to be pretty good! Now, to find a cock.........

None of my Silkies have adopted my Favs, and they're actually a little bit mean (not like, dangerously mean or anything). I really gotta get another coop or tractor or something built just for them. Gossie likes them just fine, and will try to defend them if they get picked on (or picked up... ouch Goss!) She even tried to show them the roost the first night they were here! I have to say... I think I am falling more in love with my Faverolles than I am with my other birds!
My Fav chicks are so darling! Tiny little sweethearts already! They don't run away from me... they actually come up and circle my hand and rub across my palm! It looks like at least three of them have good color. One has a touch of breast ticking, and one... well...

This is the one Mom thought was a cockerel. I think it's just a really mottled pullet. I guess one muddy one out of five isn't bad. Plus, my big Fav Gossie is good looking, so I think my starter flock is going to be pretty good! Now, to find a cock.........
You may want to wait another couple of weeks to see if this one turns out to be male. Pullets tend to have a more even color pattern even if they are badly colored.
Soo... lost 3 of my 8 Valley Hatchery chicks so far... two of which were my cockerels!
No pasty butt or anything obvious... maybe just not very hardy?

*sigh* It's gonna be hard to breed them without a roo...
Maybe one of the pullets will turn out male?

Hi MistyLea,
I have an extra roo available if you are interested. He's a pretty handsome guy.
Thanks for the offer RangeChicks, but I think we are on opposite sides of the country lol! I'm not comfortable with shipping adult birds... especially that kind of distance.

As for my chicks, they are doing well. Almost feathered out... they just have some fuzzy yellow fluff on their heads. The dark one has had more dark feathers to come in, but it's comb is still small and pale (they're one month old today). I had to separate one of my Silkie hens because she was being extra bratty to them! I think she's trying to go broody again. Gossie still tends to take up for them, but they continue to kinda keep to themselves. I have a few more recent pics, but they aren't very good. They were dust bathing and it was shady. ^^;

The dark one is to the far right in these pics. There is one lighter one, two medium ones, one medium with a bit of ticking, and the dark one.

A clear shot of one of the more medium colored ones... I think this is the one with breast ticking.

This is the lightest one. They're all quite friendly, but this one is particularly. She will come up and rub across my hand/finger and tries to follow me everywhere! <3

"Hello there! What's that you've got? Is it tasty?"

Anyway, got some of my other birds up for sale on Craigslist to go towards materials for a new coop just for them! Who knows though... they might end up evicting my Silkies and staying in the big coop instead lol!

*Edit* Oh... and pardon the messy run... I haven't had a chance to clean it out recently. O.O;
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Is there anyone on here from NC that sells chicks? I would love to have some of this beautiful breed, bantam or LF I want them for pets, this is one of my favorite breeds, I already have chickens so going through a hatchery and having to get 25 is out of the question, I'm wanting a pair-5 chicks
Is there anyone on here from NC that sells chicks? I would love to have some of this beautiful breed, bantam or LF I want them for pets, this is one of my favorite breeds, I already have chickens so going through a hatchery and having to get 25 is out of the question, I'm wanting a pair-5 chicks

I think there are a few people who are hatching chicks around here now, but I'm not sure. (I'd like to eventually get to that point, but it'll be a while yet lol!) Maybe try the North Carolina thread in the "Where Am I? Where Are You?" Forums? Good luck! ^_^

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