Faverolles Thread

Chickie'sMoma :

Sorry Chloe is acting up. How many eggs did you fit under her? I would worry that she would get up and take care of her babies after she hatches the first 7 eggs but I am not sure.


i decided to bring in my bantam cochin Luna and have her hatch out the 8 from McCallum instead. this way i can keep your eggs separate from those when they hatch, and Chloe can sit on the 7 she's been brooding so well over these past 2 weeks. so a final count of 7 under Chloe, 8 under Luna, and 9 in the bator=24.

oooh, Cloverleaf, i may check out your auction and keep an eye on it. though my DH keeps telling me 'no more room', but that is just in the amount of birds i have!​

That sounds good
Hey Folks ,I don't want to intrude on anyone's space or be a pain for anyone. I don't talk on these forums too much cuz I do not type well. You know seek and ye shall find. I have been looking everywhere in NE North Carolina for Salmon Faverolles. I have 2 Salmon from last year with an order where 3 died. The 2 that I have are doll baby's ,they lay very well and have the best personalities. I own Buff Orp's ,Black Australorps ,EE's and Dominique roos. Do any of yall know where in northeastern North Carolina say within 150 to 200 miles of Washington County I can find some Salmon Faverolles standard hens and roo and maybe even some blues. Maybe yall know where I can order some pullets and another place to order a roo. I do not want to cross breed at this point. I will be forced to retire in March of 2011 or November of this year and this is part of what I want to do along with my cattle and and hogs. I'm almost 58 years old and I am trying to line things up to make a dollar or two on the things I enjoy by offering something that is not too common in my area. Even if folks aint interested , I sure am!!! Livestock is very common but certain breeds are not and I want to be the one to have it. This is farming country and paper making ,wood products country but it's about to come to an end if something doesn't change and soon. I do not incubate but I may in the future ,so for right now it is chicks or pullets. I'm also in need of a Buff Orp roo and Dominique hens and also a Black Australorp roo. Any info especially on the Faverolles will be appreciated and may God Bless. :>)
Hi CB!

Well there bound to be some in your home state! Someone in here should help you out unless you want to make a nice day trip somewhere to pick up some Faverolle stock.

Go to www.cacklehatchery.com. They have Salmon Faverolles.

From what I have seen you would get the best faverolles from a hatchery at www.meyerhatchery.com My faverolles hens from them were very nice. I have also seen pictures of a rooster from them and he was good looking to. Otherwise you may have to hatch eggs.

Hey ,thanks folks . The 2 I have are from Cackle and are real nice birds. I just flat out luv em. I was really hoping to find some close by where I could drive to pick em up but I will order if need be. I really wanted to make sure they were from different stock. Thanks yall ....YFIC....CB III:D
i tried to order favs from Cackle last year and since they wouldn't have them ready for at least a month or possible 2 months they asked if i would substitute LF light brahmas. i've been checking online at some of the bigger hatcheries this year and so far the favs seem to be sold out for the next couple of months.

i've heard from some of the other locals in our area that ordered from Ideal and they said the favs they got from them seem to be 'off' on the colors.
Chickie'sMoma :

i tried to order favs from Cackle last year and since they wouldn't have them ready for at least a month or possible 2 months they asked if i would substitute LF light brahmas. i've been checking online at some of the bigger hatcheries this year and so far the favs seem to be sold out for the next couple of months.

i've heard from some of the other locals in our area that ordered from Ideal and they said the favs they got from them seem to be 'off' on the colors.

While I happen to like Ideal, their faverolle pullets last year were, well, less than ideal. Meyer wasn't bad.​
The Girls I got from Cackle (2) compared to photos from other sources (which is all I have) were marked a lot alike. I am not a judge but they compared very favorably with photos I have seen. I do want to get better stock and from a different breeder or hatchery. I am really hung up on these gals and want to raise more of them. Purely Poultry seems to get high reviews though they get them from breeders and their photos look like my birds. Their Roos looked great. I am not into showing but I just want raise good quality birds. In my part of the country they are hard to find and I was hoping to find some close to me. Meyers seems to be a good source and I may give them a try. I will put in a order and say send them when you get em if possible. PP said they would be receiving orders Feb.1st and I asked for an alert as to when they would be ready. Maybe I will get some more from some where.
i believe that there is a thread for Purely Poultry somewhere on here, and i think the guy who owns it is the one that started it so you might see him on the boards sometime. but i haven't seen it circulating lately. he's probably getting ready for incoming orders in the next few months.

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