Faverolles Thread

I don't know, Melissa, the blue hens are sure pretty, but NOTHING beats a Salmon Roo ... I just absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the Salmon roo ...
I love the ermines and cuckoos! After college I plan to get some bantam buffs and blues from leisha comer. I love the buff coloration in all birds! Right now though just have to hope for whites, salmons, and blue salmons.
Hey guys:

I have LOVED reading through this thread, and it has only made me want faverolles even more than before. I hope to be buying eggs early this summer to start my own little flock

Could anyone post pics of faverolles eggs, both LF and bantam? I would like to have a good idea of their shape and color.

Don't forget that Dick created the Buff Faverolles....years ago, he crossed with a Buff Orp x Salmon Fav to get that result. Took him alot of culling to go that far!
Corey, I wished I kept those Salmon blow out eggs that I keep in my decorative pieces. They are light tint in color or tan in color. Nothing really important about that egg color but the colors, and personality and looks of the Faverolles would sure win you over!
Don't forget that Dick created the Buff Faverolles....years ago, he crossed with a Buff Orp x Salmon Fav to get that result. Took him alot of culling to go that far!

I had heard the blues and buffs were created by crossing with orps.Are there buff and blue LF faverolles in the US?
I used to have a gynormous flock of EEs and they laid (I swear) blue, seafoam green, turquoise, olive, brown, tan, pink, lavender, putty, and yellow eggs. I hatched and culled for a couple fo years and kept birds for unique egg color (and pretty feather color). I probably loved them as much as any chickens I have ever owned. My single frustration was that they could never be made to breed true. So I decided to get and breed birds that can be counted on to produce chicks that look like the parent stock... but I still have never gotten over my facination with colored eggs.... The Favs egg is often pink, sometimes tan and sometimes light brown... these varriations add wonderful color to my egg basket so I do think of their eggs as 'special' even if most folks don't. I would like to see a bigger egg in my standards and am breeding for that as well as the more French body type... I love that rolly-polly look!
I always had a wide variety of egg colors in my LF flock I had welsummers, ameraucana, EE, black copper marans, and other breeds. I do miss them but the faverolles have really cool shades of tan, pink, off white, and light brown. My bantam eggs are medium size or 3/4 size of LF eggs.

Talking of colors -- I intend to keep my flock of Salmon Favs pure, as they need preservation, and are beautiful birds. But I have this dream of a Mille Fleur Fav! (I love the Mille Fleur coloring, just don't want it in tiny little bantams!) I was just thinking that it might be easier to get to Mille Fleur by starting with one of the other colors, other than Salmon. White or Mahogany perhaps? Anyone have any ideas about the genetics involved in getting to Mille Fleur from here?

I don't know the genetics but I was thinking about the same project. But what I want to do is use blue and black mottled d'culles over blue and black faverolles.


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