Faverolles Thread

Wow Henry, those are really nice looking girls! Where did these come from? Also, is the roo in the doorway a Salmon or a Blue Salmon?

The rooster there is a blue salmon.
Congrats Henry! Post pics when you get the chance. My babies are rotten spoiled already. Their brooder is on a table beside the desk in my office so I can talk to them while I work (I work at home fortunately).
Congrats Henry! Post pics when you get the chance. My babies are rotten spoiled already. Their brooder is on a table beside the desk in my office so I can talk to them while I work (I work at home fortunately).

I am actually sick today so not at school so I will take some new chick pictures.

Congrats Henry! Post pics when you get the chance. My babies are rotten spoiled already. Their brooder is on a table beside the desk in my office so I can talk to them while I work (I work at home fortunately).

I am actually sick today so not at school so I will take some new chick pictures.


Sick hunh? I suppose you must have caught that rare and extremely contagious "chick flu"!

My chicks are in a double brooder that I made which has two plastic totes connected by a see-thru tunnel. They just figured out that they could go through the tunnel this morning to the other side so now they are having loads of fun running from one end to the other practicing their "flying". Too cute! Of course, the chicks that are trying to sleep while this is going on don't appreciate it very much as the one doing their flying practice just trample right over the top of them! Looks like the break in a game of pool sometimes!

Here is a pic of the brooder - its rather difficult to fit it all in as its about 6 feet long.

Chick tunnel:
That's a really cool brooder setup I might need to copy it. The two older pullets love having a little band of admirers in with them. I probably need to add another one soon though and will probably use a similar dwsign.

Where does the heat lamp go????? I hope they are easy to clean up LOL! How many chicks and what age do they can fit in there?

Henry, I am so glad you are on the right foot! After all, you got nothing to lose with these birds! It was only a matter of a couple of months, you got all of your sources at your fingertips LOL! Great going! It pleases me to hear that Peter agrees in what you are trying to achieve and DO follow his methods despite of what others are trying to say otherwise. After all Peter has alot of experience in Faverolles.

Peter, can you give us a little story how you got the Faverolles over in UK to US, how you came about selecting a breeder for your original flock?

As for the burn spots on roosters, I find it distracting and it takes away the "looks" of the rooster's hackles. Maybe I am thinking of a big black hole on the side of his neck LOL! I love the blues and the beautiful whites.............oh Henry, look what you DID to me! LOLOLOL! I'm glad even I got out of Faverolles and seriously thinking about coming back in after the club had their "shakedowns".

I love the Faverolles personality and disposition along with their beauty. They are right up there with my Wellies.
I haven't had to cull any chicks from this hatch yet but we will see what happens once they start to get color. So far they all have good toe placment and good beards. Another bantam is out and one is zipping and two more have pipped.


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