Faverolles Thread

I do not find the roos slower than any other breeds but they are slow in putting out beautiful feathers LOL! I do find Faverolle roosters to be very gentle to humans and to his girls, that is my own experience and what other Fav breeders I've gotten my Faverolles from.

Chickie's moma, that rooster is not a chocolate color. It is an odd medium sorrell color but the chocolates I know they are dark brown with little or no black tips and they should not have any white on them. Solid Chocolate Orpingtons would be the closest you can get out of UK. Chocolates are not known here in the US even people have been trying to reproduce that color but they have a long ways to go.
Hey everyone! Good Morning yes I just woke up
Just wanted to tell everyone David (RockN'Faverolles) is the new Vice President of Faverolles Fanciers. Leisha Comer is the President and I am one of the correspondents in the East. Hope everyone is doing well today I am going to wash a few birds for the upcoming show as I have cleaned out the coop and bedded it really deeply in shavings. The new birds are learning how to live outside of cages its a little funny to watch them exploring all their new space. The new blue salmon boy has been sticking his head in every corner of the coop.

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AndreaS, I wouldn't worry yet, as long as everything else seems normal...I had a wyandotte pullet that was super tiny, and didn't feather for a long time, then one day she just shot up and is now actually my largest wyandotte! Welcome to our thread, and
!!! We will impatiently await the addition of your pictures!!
Thanks guys
I am very happy David is vice president and can't wait to see his birds when he gets back!

I washed two of the pullets and took a few pictures they are pretty funny faverolles are such goofy looking birds when they are wet.

Don't wake me
Thanks I will probably have to give them a rinse later but this was there bubble bath ha ha. They were very calm and both fell asleep sitting on top of the washing machine.
thanks for letting me know! i'm still learning the names of chicken colors and every time i turn around i find some other color or combination that looks neat!
i was trying to figure out after i posted if he had black tips to those feathers or if i was seeing things. (practically blind anyways-just take my glasses off and all i can see are shapes!

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