Faverolles Thread

I actually have a Fav roo that never made a peep while he was in with a dominant rooster. I sold the dominant rooster when the cockerel was 11 months old, and it took him another month before he decided it was safe to crow. He's finally filling out now too, and his comb is growing. It's amazing how their whole hormonal system can be shut down just from being with a dominant rooster!!
let me change my vote on these. all pullets but yep, with something going on in the head feathers.

Hmm, what are the odds? 5 out of 6 eggs hatched and they're all pullets?
Crazy--and great I guess. They all have white feathers emerging on their chests. One with some speckling. One is redder feathers and also in its back...I think its just a darker pullet. A couple do have darker feathers on the heads. What about one who has a drop wing? Is that just a fault, or common among cockrels? Maybe somebody will have to rehome a roo to me....not that I need another roo.
OK, Faverolle experts, I would like some input on my 9 year old daughters bantam faverolle roos. All 4 boys are just over 5 months, great temperments on all of them. We just love the Faverolles, so sweet and curious! She has 4 cockerals, 2 hens and 3 little ones she hatched a month ago.

The pictures are not the best but any input on whcih boy looks to be better than the rest? Gabby wants to go to the county fair and hopes to do a few poultry shows.
All the boys look to have pretty good feet, five toes, rear toe pointing backwards. Thanks for any help. She knows she can't keep all 4 boys and she has a blue faverolle little cockeral that she might want to keep.
Ignore the bright red eyes, they are not devil chickens!

Amazon #1



Frenchy #2



Junior #3



Piere #4


1 and 3 have the best type and color I think they look pretty good I like the mahogany on the roosters wingbows.
We got them from Lund poultry in Wisconsin. The little ones we hatched last month were from Hattrick silkies. We just love the temperments, they are so sweet right from the start. We only had 3 hatch from Hattrick but they are very cute. I hope their feet improve on the little one, they toes are crossed and the 5th toe does not point backwards.
The standard calls for the wings to be close to the body, some of the boys have wing feathers that stick out a but right now. Is this a age thing or just the way they are?
Right now all the boys are together and get along fine but Gabby wants just to keep probably 2.
I need to get some recent pics of the girls, they are great birds.

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