Faverolles Thread

LOL, it is fun but interesting and a LOT of hard work (time, time and more time). Your Red/mahogany salmon sounds very interesting, I'd love to see pics of these guys
I'm trying to concentrate on the lavender program right now, and finding a black roo is going to be a bit hard unless I raise one from this batch that hatched last week. We will see I guess. Hanging in there, lol. Thanks Dick & Cindy for all the help and info. May have to work this to MY advantage (heehee) and sweet talk you out of some chicks or eggs Dick!

Here is a pic of my mahogany roo, that also helped me get buffs.

OOOOhhhhhh.... sooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want mahogany also!!!

And Ohio isn't that far from me....
Too cute!!

She was on the front page of today's paper. I had to go out and get a few copies! I do wish they had included an article about the Augusta swap though.

The kids do love those bantam chicks.
OOOOhhhhhh.... sooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want mahogany also!!!

And Ohio isn't that far from me....

I am probably about 3 hours from you maybe. I am just playing around. I just wanna see what I come up with. Will keep you posted

Let me know if I can help with the mahogany and buffs!
That sounds like great colors to get into.

I'm working on getting a cabinet incubator this weekend at the Indy Chickenstock (I don't mind driving when it comes to chickens/birds!) and hopefully more land in the future as well.

Sometime soon I'll let my hubby in on the plan

(He's actually pretty good about all my shenanigans!)
Whats a good breed to cross with a Savorelle? I have all babies right now but would like to try some experimenting next spring. Here are my breeds that I have -
Roos: Salmon Favorelle
Standard Silver Laced Cochin
Blue Laced Red Wynadotte
Hens: Salmon Favorelle
Standard Silver Laced Cochin
Blue Laced Red Wynadotte
Silver Laced Wynadotte
White Leghorn
Standard Black Cochin
I got into the Faverolle fad, and I'm loving it! I got 7 chicks from Nikki. Sadly one passed away on the second day, but the others are now about 6 weeks old and are thrive happy little birds. From the order I recieved 3 dark blue salmon boys, 1 splash salmon boy, 2 salmon girls. They are so beautiful. I was raising them under my foster silkie and their "step" (silkie crosses with New Hampshire and Welsummer) sisters. I'm loving their curious personnalities... My sister wants to name one Precious. What do Splash Salmon roosters look like when they are mature?
Gorgeous kids Cindy
I love the roos coloration...kinda reminds me of my so called 'blue calico' d'uccle...(another project I wont bother you with) Very pretty indeed

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