Faverolles Thread

I believe Leisha added you this morning! I am still trying to find a Iron so I can put my patch on.


Well, I have the patch, now I have to find a good barn coat to attach it to!

Great idea I am going to try and put it on my carrharts.
Quick note:

1) Great website, nice work! Looking for the website on the internet was how I initially tried to join the Fav Fanciers to begin with. I think (hope) the site will help with people looking to join. Especially with those that don't look on BYC or this thread for club info.

2) Um..... Patch? What patch? Did I miss something? (There needs to be a smilie with a bunch of question marks over the head- that would be me most of the time.)

Edit: also need a "bad spelling" smilie
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Contact Leisha there are also several members of the Faverolles Fanciers club that have bantam salmons and blue salmons and they will probably be selling there extras this fall.


Cool, thank you! I can't remember who I contacted earlier (this summer) who said to contact them again in the fall? LOL But it's in the low 40s here at night and mid-60s during the day....so it's cool on my end!

Heather, I think it was me...the girls are finally laying, and have been for about a month. If you're willing to gamble with very early pullet eggs, I can start collecting for you, or if you want to wait a bit longer, I have some under a broody to check fertility/hatchability this early...I can keep you posted on how it goes...

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