Faverolles Thread

Cindy, I'm not sure if you're talking about my two girls that were so heavily bearded that they couldn't see to eat. I know about Mareks and Luekosis extensively. This is not what I'm experiencing. I think 1 of the pullets is so damaged she may not come back. If you determine mareks vaccinate for it. Luekosis is a different matter.


I misunderstood your post. I thought you were implying the problem with my pullets could be the heavy beards on some (and I did lose the ones with the largest beards) preventing them from seeing where the food was. I had forgotten that I asked you what you needed to relearn this year!

It's been a lousy couple of weeks so I'm more of a scatterbrain than usual.
They do get wider with age! So I'm curious then, what about the 2 or 3 smaller boys I have? They're narrower in the body and all over smaller. What kind of chance do they have to mature to large wide bodied boys? Are they just slower growers or should they be removed from consideration?
They hatched May 15. So they're 5 months old. Good thing I looked at the calendar. For some reason I had thought they hatched in early April.

I started with 6 turkey poults, now I'm down to a trio. Haven't figured out what I'm going to do with those escape artists yet.
I'd have to hunt around to find out which breed was used to introduce lavender into orpingtons, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out it had come from ameraucanas. Aside from that, aren't single combs recessive? I wonder how you could get a partial pea comb from an all single comb breeding.
My mom called and told me that the dogs killed the black cockerel I got from David. My dogs have never been aggressive with bikrds for the past 3 years! Obviously they got a talking to and my mom is moving the coop out of their area. I am getting another black male from Leisha so hopefully I can still breed. I plan to try and bring the birds up this winter.

So sorry Henry! Geez, bad week for dog attacks. He hadn't even been there long too.

I do have 2 young black cockerels I hatched from your eggs. Maybe if one develops into something nice you can have him for a backup.
Hi guys, just checking in and trying to keep up on the thread!

Sorry to hear about the fav troubles - I just lost my LF salmon male to a dog also, Henry (my dog too)

I didn't even get a good pic of him yet. Now I just have the whites and salmon hen. Still going to the OH National to see what is there though.

Hope to meet some of you there!
I am so sorry 4 E1 loss.. Thats so sad... I lost another cat 2 months ago to something.. Not a chick ... I am so sorry 4 all of U..

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