Faverolles Thread

Sorry to hear about your lost. Ive had problems myself. Just lost 12 large salmon Faverolles hens on my road coop. Couldn't understand how the predator was getting in. It killed all my hens before I realized how it was getting in. Got the raccoon yesterday.I believe there was two of them by the devastation they caused. They had to get in from under the roof in the back.I had never blocked the holes under my roof in this section, all the others were blocked. I will be blocking them today. This has brought a devastation to my breeding program. I believe I have 7 or 8 hens left. Thank god I didn't have them all in the same pen.

Thats terrible Dick do you at least have some pullets you hatched this spring left? I am really sorry to hear about this! I do think that I can bring my birds up to VT have to make some final planning but hopefully they will be up here after Christmas break.

My first hatching eggs ever were from Clover Leaf Farm just last spring.
You are right she does an excellent job packing the eggs!
We really had a lot of fun with those chicks... all were re-homed... but they sure were cute!
You can check them out here (scroll to the bottom of the page) -

Cloverleaf or Jeanine has gotten some better stock since then I think she probably sold all of the birds that were the parents of those. Not positive though and I think that Salmon Faverolles got bantam eggs.

Sorry to hear about your lost. Ive had problems myself. Just lost 12 large salmon Faverolles hens on my road coop. Couldn't understand how the predator was getting in. It killed all my hens before I realized how it was getting in. Got the raccoon yesterday.I believe there was two of them by the devastation they caused. They had to get in from under the roof in the back.I had never blocked the holes under my roof in this section, all the others were blocked. I will be blocking them today. This has brought a devastation to my breeding program. I believe I have 7 or 8 hens left. Thank god I didn't have them all in the same pen.

Oh, Dick, how awful! I can't imagine how you must feel - it hurts me just to think about it! Good luck with the rest of your girls.
So I was right about my parents not taking the first chicken death seriously. This morning they let them out again into the run that the dogs have broken into multiple times! and now I have no more chickens. Its just difficult because I was here and couldn't do anything about it. I have some more birds from Leisha coming but I am thinking about what I want to do now. I would obviously need to move them up here instead of having them at home but not sure what I should do now.

I'm just SICK for you Henry.........it must be so hard for you now since you are so far away and can't do anything. It's even harder when it's your own dogs.

A few years ago I had all my dogs trained NOT to touch Moma's chickens.........then a neighbor's dog dug under my fence and came over to play 'let's have fun and catch those funny little feathered things that run like crazy'......so my dogs joined in with the game.

I know you are in college in VT and really need to focus on your education..........this sure doesn't help.
I lived in Johnson VT for 3 years and taught at CCV in Burlington, loved it up there!!! but in the end I couldn't deal with the LOOOONG winters and lack of sunlight...........so back to Texas I came.

We'll all be thinking of you and hoping you can recover from this painful loss.
Oh, Henry - how horrible for you! My heart just breaks! I can't imagine how you must feel. With all this going on, and some of the chicks from Chickenstock NY dying, I need to goo check the security and health of all my birds right now. Good luck, Henry.

I do have a breeding bantam pair of favs right now. If you tell me how, next spring I can send you some eggs? I have pics of them if you want. Since I can't take the chance of getting roos with nowhere to get rid of them, the fertilized eggs are for nothing right now.
Thanks guys although I love my birds they aren't seen as pets I am just angry with my parents and very very disappointed. Its also difficult to lose something your responsible for I feel like I should have been there and it would probably not have happened if I was. I have 5-6 birds that should be hopefully coming from Leisha. I am most upset about the loss of the three splash pullets they would have been very valuable breeders and produced good blues for me. I still have an opportunity to breed but on a smaller scale with the 5-6 birds so probably won't have that many just enough to replace some breeders so I can get the numbers a bit more up. I haven't decided if its a good idea to keep trying or if I should take a break still actively in the club until I get my own place. I will think about it for the next couple days.

Sending good hatching vibes your way!
I have some of my own in the incubator now with two weeks to go.

Hi thechickonthehill

Thank You!

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