Faverolles Thread

Cute! Those are my grandchickens!

Hey grandhen!! They sure are!!

Pierre' says hi .. lol.
Cute! Those are my grandchickens!

Hi Melissa! Where have you been? I just want you to know that I love the pullet I hatched from your eggs this past spring. She is now a mommy herself!

Hope all is going well on the farm.
Cute! Those are my grandchickens!

Hi Melissa! Where have you been? I just want you to know that I love the pullet I hatched from your eggs this past spring. She is now a mommy herself!
http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww265/pbroner/Baby Chickens/IMG_2959.jpg

Hope all is going well on the farm.

How precious! The farm has exploded with chicks, ducklings, 6 calves, two sets of twin kids, piglets galore, a new foal to train... I have been on a computer hiatius of sorts while I try to sort out milking, feeding, cleaning, cooking... and of course there is still that pesky full time day job! I'll have to check in more often!
Drat and double drat! Lost both of my Fav hens in this stinkin' cold snap here in VA. Temps went from 60's to teens in a day and have stayed there for 4 days.
I found the 1st one yesterday and the 2nd this evening. No signs of any other health issues. Just dead.

So I am going to be looking for chicks in the Spring or even started birds. Somebody keep me in mind please.

A sad day in Camelot....

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