Faverolles Thread

My poor Oliver may never get in his tail feathers or beard, between the girls picking his beard and Zues pulling out his tail feathers but I think he is a pretty boy anyway!
I am giving up on Faverolles...again.

I vowed this would be my last year attempting to raise them (fourth year). I started out with large fowl and they died as soon it was above 100 degrees. This is my third attempt at bantams. The last pair of bantams died when it was below zero.

After spending hundreds of dollars in eggs this summer to end up with 7 chicks hatching--and now, they are dying one by one. I cannot figure out what the deal is. I did have them with my goslings who plucked all of the chicks' back feathers out. After separating the goslings from the chicks, the best pair of favs I had died. All of the other breeds I have hatched at the same time are thriving and just fine.
Even though everyone was picked!?

Anyway, I'm down to just two boys (one blue & one black) and three girls now. PM me if you're close enough to pick them up....I'll let them go cheap.
Your not the only one, I just had a rooster die today for no apparent reason. It was about 89* they had plenty of water and he up running around at noon and by 6:00 he was dead.
If it wasn't for my wife wanting the breed the 3 hens would be in the pot.

i really think some favs prefer to be with their own breed or very gentle breeds like marans. i have found that my bantam cochins can be intimidating even though they are actually smaller than the favs! i have a couple of girls that are so fearful of the others that they see me and come charging to be picked up!
Your not the only one, I just had a rooster die today for no apparent reason. It was about 89* they had plenty of water and he up running around at noon and by 6:00 he was dead.
If it wasn't for my wife wanting the breed the 3 hens would be in the pot.


They are the cutest things....too....
I just don't know what the deal is....no one is sick...it's barely 75 degrees out. These guys are (almost) fully feathered and in an 8'x10' coop (no run) with a heat lamp that comes on at night--we're still in high 40s/low 50s over night...
Chickie'sMoma :

i really think some favs prefer to be with their own breed or very gentle breeds like marans. i have found that my bantam cochins can be intimidating even though they are actually smaller than the favs! i have a couple of girls that are so fearful of the others that they see me and come charging to be picked up!

Yeah....they were in with other bantams--wyandottes, cochins, orloffs, and other favs. No one was picking on them...except the geese a little bit....but no blood....just some bald spots & missing back feathers? The same day it happened, they were all separated.​
Your not the only one, I just had a rooster die today for no apparent reason. It was about 89* they had plenty of water and he up running around at noon and by 6:00 he was dead.
If it wasn't for my wife wanting the breed the 3 hens would be in the pot.


They are the cutest things....too....
I just don't know what the deal is....no one is sick...it's barely 75 degrees out. These guys are (almost) fully feathered and in an 8'x10' coop (no run) with a heat lamp that comes on at night--we're still in high 40s/low 50s over night...

Mine were breeders, out in a breeding pen plenty of shade and air moving around them.
What puts the icing on the cake is my wife just got the this quad (rooster and 3 hens) from Bill Karcher (Eagles Nest) last week.

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They are the cutest things....too....
I just don't know what the deal is....no one is sick...it's barely 75 degrees out. These guys are (almost) fully feathered and in an 8'x10' coop (no run) with a heat lamp that comes on at night--we're still in high 40s/low 50s over night...

Mine were breeders, out in a breeding pen plenty of shade and air moving around them.
What puts the icing on the cake is my wife just got the this quad (rooster and 3 hens) from Bill Karcher (Eagles Nest) last week.


Interesting...yeah...the large fowl I had were very nice....a pair of whites and a pair of salmons...all full-sized, from good stock. They had plenty of shade and fans, too...and an insulated/heated coop. They seem to just be genetically weak? I don't know? I have had some hardiness issues (cold weather) with my bantam Houdan as well but the LF Creves are doing great. Never lost a single one of those...*knocks on wood*

So who knows? I am just super bummed because they are so stinkin' cute. Maybe next year I'll try bantam Ameracuanas instead?

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