Faverolles Thread

Aw!! Hi my grandbabies!!
Thanks! I can't believe how big they are getting and they are solid! The boys are really getting some mass to them but Squiggy is bigger than Lenny. I am used to the more petite frame of the silkies and it surprises me how much these guys weigh when I pick them up.

Mary....thanks for letting me have these guys! They sure ended up to be gorgeous and spoiled too. The boys have to eat their treat out of the treat cup instead of on the ground like everyone else!
They are all just too funny! It sounds like a herd of elephants are behind me because they are running behind everywhere I go. The girls did not start laying yet but I am thinking it will be soon from what I see.
Hey all! I have a salmon Faverolle. She's such a sweetie!!! I got her from the bantam bin at TSC in the spring, so she's about 5.5 mos old now. I am not sure she's a bantam, though. A chicken loving friend told me she's large fowl, but I think most of her heft is just fluff. She is slightly smaller than my EE's, who are the same age, when they are standing next to each other, but she is light as a feather when you pick her up, while they are solid. I weighed her yesterday and she weighs 2lbs 12oz. Is that too big for bantam, but too small for large fowl? That's what I suspect. Doesn't really matter, she's a family favorite, and while she is low on the pecking order, we have a sultan and 2 little bantams that she hangs out with without getting picked on.

Here's our sweet Bonnie. Her comb is a little messed up. We have a teeny little young black bantam rooster who loves her, but has a hard time hanging on. He hangs onto her comb and now her comb is kinda hanging there in the back, although I have never seen it bloody or anything.

I love goatmilk soap! Let me know when they are ready...I'd like 5 bars.

amber romance 1
sandlewood 2
energy 2

YEAH!!!! DEBBIE!!! Thanks so much! I'll get right on them!! $5 to faverolles club!....
Hi All,
I'm a lurker on this thread. I really enjoy seeing photos of everyone's birds and hearing about the breed. I was fortunate enough to acquire eggs from a lovely breeder in OR (who many of you know!
) and hatched chicks in mid-May. I am not a breeder since I live in the city and haven't shown birds, but since getting the coop set up last April have thoroughly enjoyed all of our hens and chicks. My Salmon Faverolles girls, Ondine and Twila, are nearing 18 weeks now. I had originally only meant to keep one for my urban mixed flock, but have fallen in love with both girls. Always among the first to reach me when all the hens come running, they are sweet, friendly and always together. They are also real camera hogs! I love the curious tilt of their head when I'm trying to take photos.
Neither is laying yet, but I'm hoping they will start before too long. I wanted to share a few photos of them.

Here are my baby girls -






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