Faverolles Thread

Ok! I'm crazy!! Who contacted me a couple weeks ago about meeting me in Shawnee and possibly buying a pair of salmon favs. I cleaned stupid inbox and have lost all kinds of info I needed!!!
Took Brooks and Dunn outside yesterday and set them in the grass. Poor girls were so scared
they didn't know what to do. They just sat down and did nothing. I picked them up and moved them...same thing. Waited a little bit and put them back in the garage. I picked some grass for them to eat in their pen and they gobbled it right up.
I agree i have had birds one in particular that i could tell never really saw the light of day or grass. NOW? My goodness you cant get the door open fast enough when it is free range time! And when i mow she likes to follow behind the mower and get all the good clippings!
I was expecting medium eggs...but instead i get this...tiny. midget eggs. she wont lay in the nest box either. no matter what I do. if i fill in her hole, she digs a new one and lays in it. I finally gave in and filled it with pine shavings, she's content with that. She also lays in the evenings. crows in the mornings lays in the evenings

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Shawnee Oklahoma????????


Yep. Shawnee show December 10th, pretty good sized show. cant remember what ####s were last year, maybe 2500-3000ish?? Hope I'm not making that up!!!

http://www.okspf.com/Show_Information_.html - looks like entry limit is 2800 so it was somewhere around that last year

Ever since I found out about it a couple months ago I planned on going! If you end up going let me know. I would love to meet you!


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