Faverolles Thread

I am so sad, I had to share. I had 2 faverolle pullets on order and I should have picked them up this weekend. They were going to complete my little flock. I have 2 2week old EE's, and 3 2 day old baby chicks (1 more EE, 1 Australorp and 1 Buff Orpington) so far. I was planning on them all being close in age so they could stay together always. Well I called the breeder last night and something happend to the incubator and he lost all of the eggs.
I have been calling all the hatcheries I can find on line and nobody has baby pullet Fav's to ship now or with in the next week. This was the first breed I picked for my flock and now I wont have any. I did not want to have to introduce the birds later. I wanted them to share the brooder and grow up together. That does not look like it will happen now.
So I thought I would come here and drool over your birds. If anyone has any ideas for me, let me know.
LF Salmons are gentler than many breeds, so if you were to find a few older i wouldn't be too concerned about them blending in. Maybe there is someone here a drive away from you with
some youngsters? eliz
Favs can be older and get blended in, but they are so gentle that they don't do as well as the newcomers, in my experience.
My problem right now is coccidia! If I could solve that I'd have plenty of favs!
Favs can be older and get blended in, but they are so gentle that they don't do as well as the newcomers, in my experience.
My problem right now is coccidia! If I could solve that I'd have plenty of favs!

I thought that since her group was small and chicks at this point that favs of any age would be fine. I wouldn't consider adding young Favs. to an adult group of harder breeds and never fav. bantams. They are easily intimidated and the bantams become low bird and will slowly starve. I have had LF Favs. rule over others before so worry less about them...
Something that i find interesting in the chickens, if i were to bring home several birds of a breed from different sources and place them together with other breeds, like breeds will eventually hang out together....So they must all have a breed specific dialect or something.
I have often mixed older fav chicks in with younger guys, they seem to not even realize they are bigger. I have a bunch of mixed layers for sale to folks wanting a few girls for eggs, and they have 2, 2 1/2 week old fav cockerels showing them the ropes. Never have any troubles doing this, so long as the favs are the older ones.
i've done that too with older favs and younger chicks. the favs will get along with everyone. the females will act motherly even if they aren't old enough yet. my latest fav pullet did this to 3 chicks that hatched 2 weeks after her and her hatch mate Marans cockerel seemed to think she was also his mom. at 2 1/2 months old she's the lead chick in their group of 5 and has already met the older favs and they all seem to do very well with her still being much smaller than them.
My first Salmon Favs are hatching and out of 19 that made it to LD, I have 16 chicks in the brooder and another egg pipped! YEAH! What a wonderful hatch and thank you Piper for the eggs. Can't wait to see how they grow out.
Thank you. #17 hatched with a little more help. I am THRILLED with such a great hatch.

I just won Sandiklaws mixed auction so I'll have even more (and hopefully some diversity)! Woo hoo!

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