Faverolles Thread

Thanks. I really like her. Luckily, she belongs to a friend of mine that doesn't mind letting me borrow her! :) Her chest is pretty dark, but her beard (when she has it) is nice and light, so I figured, "what the heck"!
Nice female. Crossed with the right male she could produce better color.
If I currently took the attitude of too dark don't bother no one would ave anything...... For better type sometimes you must go with something off color. You then work back towards the better color but with much better type. At one time I had that luxury attitude but just can't apply it right now w/o stripping my flock down to a very very small number.
Have fun.
Do you guys every get faint strpes on the back of your chicks?

I have hatched about 40+ chicks and just a couple have a very faint smug on them. I have very nice quality birds from Ron Patterson, so I know they are not crosses or anything. I am just a little confused.

Please help.
Do you guys every get faint strpes on the back of your chicks?

I have hatched about 40+ chicks and just a couple have a very faint smug on them. I have very nice quality birds from Ron Patterson, so I know they are not crosses or anything. I am just a little confused.

Please help.

I haven't seen any chicks with dark spots on them either bantam or LF. Usually they are pure yellow in color. Sorry I can't help you out. Do you have the adult birds? Is there anything odd about their color?
Do you guys every get faint strpes on the back of your chicks?

I have hatched about 40+ chicks and just a couple have a very faint smug on them. I have very nice quality birds from Ron Patterson, so I know they are not crosses or anything. I am just a little confused.

Please help.

Yep, I have seen that from time to time in the large fowl salmons. I haven't found it to actually mean anything in the long run. ;)
Nice female. Crossed with the right male she could produce better color.
If I currently took the attitude of too dark don't bother no one would ave anything...... For better type sometimes you must go with something off color. You then work back towards the better color but with much better type. At one time I had that luxury attitude but just can't apply it right now w/o stripping my flock down to a very very small number.
Have fun.

Yeah, I think with the male she's in with right now, she'll make some really nice babies. It has taken me a long time to get to where I can look past certain things and see the "bigger picture" with my birds, but I think I am finally getting there, thanks to you and the other long time breeders here that readily offer their advice and critiques.

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