Faverolles Thread

Probably not great. But give it a try, they might surprise you.
good luck!!
Definetely still going to set them. There were extras included so gonna cross my fingers on a good hatch. However I seem to have bad luck with shipped eggs. Last batch (Barnies) only hatched 1 out of ten
Hoping these do better.
Wow that is so asum... i so want to see B/B/S and Lav and chocolate and dun all LF... and that all requires good Blacks... did you breed up from bantams or out cross???
LF BBS already exist but they are exceptionally rare. They are maintained by a very small number of breeders.

Lavenders are a work in progress by one or two people.

I'm not sure you'll see chocolate or dun anytime soon. There are too few breeders to keep the current "other color" Faverolles going as it is.
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So if 3 off my shipped eggs are broken what do you think my shot is for hatching the others?
Just to clarify the post office obviosly disregarded the the multiple FRAGILE stamps all over the box and I in no way hold the sender responsible for the condition of the eggs. Will be setting the remaining 7 eggs tomorrow morning.
Does anyone on here have any faverolles they are selling or any hatching eggs that are close to East Tennessee (I do not want shipped eggs- they never do very good)? I had several that were juvies but they were killed by a predator. I have 2 chicks that are 3 weeks old but would like more. Thanks!!

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