Faverolles Thread

Quote: I think it stinks when some people can't just be polite and courteous in a thread and let people have their opinions. You don't have to even aknowledge said opinion if you don't agree. That is the beauty of reading. You can skip over skim or read thoroughly. I am always disappointed by some people who think they can rule a thread by being immature and "tattling" on someone. Not my idea of good people. I love the good sound info I can get here. Too bad I am now not able to get info from someone else who really knows his stuff.
I would encourage everyone to visit Peter's website, and copy & paste the information there for your own reference and usage, before that is gone as well. He may not be on here to offer advice / help along the way, but his words and experience are in black and white for us to reference for all time...
Thanks Jeanine! I book marked his website. Great information!
Hello Kim, if you wish to hold on to his information, i would download it. There may still be some links to pictures of some of his birds if You are interested also. Earlier on Peter had said that he would shut down his site but had not indicated when that may be.

PS, i just realized that i live fairly close to you and work in Woodinville occasionally....I'm between Marysville and Arlington......
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Hello Kim, if you wish to hold on to his information, i would download it. There may still be some links to pictures of some of his birds if You are interested also. Earlier on Peter had said that he would shut down his site but had not indicated when that may be.

PS, i just realized that i live fairly close to you and work in Woodinville occasionally....I'm between Marysville and Arlington......
Nice to meet you! I love it when like minds live close! Lol!

I just downloaded all his info to Word so I have it. Hopefully he doesn't get rid of it for the sake of those of us who would take his information and tutoring as it is meant, not as something it is not.

Since I am just getting started in my journey I am going to need all the help I can get!
He is banned from all of BYC.

Don't overthink it. They are still chickens. Most of us on here are more than happy to offer any help / advice / opinions that you might need. Remember...you are getting more than a dozen eggs...doesn't mean that many will hatch. Don't panic. It's always better to start with more chicks anyway, because even from a SQ flock, if you're lucky you may get one truly exceptional SQ chick per 100 chicks that hatch....

Thank you. I have had this advice before but most people won't say that chickens are just chickens. It looks like I have way more Favs coming than expected and fewer Houdans. This will be my first go with Favs, as I said. Thank you for sharing Peter's other page. I hate the idea of culling so many. My plan was to educate with my kids at fairs or whatever and then eat anyone not breeding or showing.
He is banned from all of BYC.

I don't know enough about Peter to have any opinion of him or his posts at all. I have read so many since I started thinking about getting chickens WAY back in April (yep I am a NOOB!) that I don't recall who said what in which forum

That said I *HOPE* the Admins of BYC do a more than thorough search on someone - value to the community and all that and weigh the good with the bad before banning someone. Not just based on "been reported X times". Heck, I've nearly flagged some of my own posts going back to edit. If you flag someone do you have to put a reason in a box that pops up? ( I HOPE ).

Is there a "Please rethink that ban" process? Although I agree, if one feels unfairly maligned, they aren't so likely to take an "Oh, Sorry" and pop right back, There are plenty of other Chicken forums on the net.
This whole Peter thing is terribly sad. I always coveted his posts and he will be greatly missed. I saw his last post just before it was removed. I do not understand why he was reported. I for one appreciated reading his side. We are missing a very important person on this thread.

I will have to post some pics of some cockerels I have growing up. They are looking pretty good. They are babies from my babies I had from Cloverleaf. Seems that I will still have Favs!
Sorry, the photo I wanted to use won't load for some reason. Here is another I hope.

Personally, I dislike feathered legs and ear muffs/beards. But this is a very pretty bird! I really need to drive the 2 miles to Jeremy's and take some photos. HeritageHabitFarms picked up 2 nice UA line cockerels on Saturday. He sent one with me. Jeremy is very thrilled! For now all of his Salmon Faverolles are running together. His father told me yesterday that they are building more pens. They plan on helping their two boys have a nice flock of exhibition poultry. Sure is fun helping these youth!

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